That’s what FORTnite was initially planned to be, but then the BR-Act happened …
Valve be like: Jo we make like a wayland compositor, ya’now?, and it will be like super performance oriented for games ‘n stuff, ya’now?, and have dis super bleedin’ edge hdr pipeline, ya’now?, and then it will only support xwayland, ya’now?, dude why ya leavin’?
yes he did and if it doesn’t happen we can shame him for all eternety, but i’m right with you there buddy: 2024 lets gooooooo!
since we are in a temporal context here i would argue that there is a clear distrinction between beginning and end here
I’m refering to end in a temporal sense because we are talking about a time context here. There is a clear direction so going backwards brings you to the begin.
man I was jecking out the toy island recently and i saw a carrera oracle redbull race track right next to one with “non-lego” lego brick buildable cars and the mario kart themed one.
I tell you: one day these crossovers and brand tie ins and market consolidation will lead us to the ultimate mono brand multiverse -> Think of Mario Raving Rabbits in Avenger costumes lego figures as playable characters in fortnite
fy_poolday and rpg mods. liked the non wc3 one because i was to dumb back then for the bindings required for the wc3 one. the other one had just passive skills
Also why for fucks sake does firefox do it’s own mime type management and does not respect default applications set on system level!
Ok another US local units are retarded rant: it’s called weekEND! why do you start your week at sunday and not monday! Sunday is part of the weekEND!
I think you downloaded the wrong stargate
At least these material are theoretical recycleable while uranium is not (once an atom is split you don’t put it together again)
I was mistaken as i thought fossil free == renewable, but the definition is actually different, which makes “fossil free” a useless goal.
Where is nuclear fossil free? Show me the unranium tree please.
I count in ich_iel
Yes, it’s awesome!
Fuck (Well happens to me (sometimes even nested))
Fun fact: usb uart to audio jack is actually a thing:
Some older android phones used the audio jack double duty as a serial debug console, the nexus 5 for example.
Well … I don’t want to say literally Hitler, but …