• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • He was definitely odd, but even a broken clock is right twice a day; He hated what his old company has become, and at least owned up to the fact that he had a lady shit on his chest. When asked about it in interviews, he basically said something along the lines of “when you’re richer than God and have had sex with gorgeous women every day, things start to get stale and you look for more and more extreme things to get you going.”

    He also 100% predicted that he was going to be Epstein’ed in a prison cell. He was very outspoken about the fact that he wasn’t suicidal and if he was ever found to have committed suicide, that it was a hit job. He specifically tweeted something along the lines of “if I’m ever found to have hanged myself, it wasn’t a suicide. It was a whack job.” He was found dead in a prison cell, with the death ruled a suicide by hanging. Which is either prophetic (he believed the US had a bounty on him, so he was very paranoid about getting murdered with the government covering it up,) or the best troll ever.

  • My guess is another CSAM attack. In case you weren’t aware, there are some bad actors who will occasionally use AI to generate CSAM, then post it on any servers they can find using bots to get things to the /All front page.

    And since instances are usually just run by one or two people, response times can be long. Because the instance owner won’t even know anything is wrong until they log on.

    Many instances defaulted to disabling image posts to stop attacks in the short term, so the admins can work on scrubbing the existing posts and banning any users that posted it.

  • I mean, there are sex-averse asexuals. People who are disgusted by the idea of sex. Like it’s just another gross biological function.

    They tend to view the relief from sex the same way using the restroom provides relief. And most people don’t enjoy using the restroom; They just enjoy the relief they feel afterwards.

  • If you’re an artist struggling to get off the ground, one of the best and easiest ways to start making reliable money is to draw smut. If you become known as a smut artist who takes commissions, money comes pouring in left and right.

    And if you’re willing/able to do furry art, your rates just quadrupled, because furries will pay lots of money to get their fursona drawn doing various degen things.

  • Exactly. The biggest hurdle to getting new FOSS off the ground is adoption. It’s really hard to gain inertia when the vast majority of users refuse to switch. When they already know how to use the closed-source version, they’ll be resistant to change. Even if the closed-source version is less user friendly and more annoying to use, people will still continue to use it because they don’t want to start learning something new. Unity did Godot a massive favor, by scaring all of their users away and leading them straight into Godot’s open arms.

    It would be like if Microsoft did something stupid enough to cause 50% of Windows users to switch to Linux overnight. Even if Microsoft later rolled those changes back, a lot of users have already installed (and started to learn) Linux, and aren’t going to go through the trouble of switching back again. And by that point Linux will have an established user base and will be able to maintain and grow that population much easier.

  • That would be a dumb move on his part. Stock manipulation that blatant would have the SEC chewing on his entrails in a matter of minutes.

    The most likely scenario is that he was paid at least partially in company stock. This is fairly common for the C-level, because it allows them to loosely tie their income to the company’s stock price. When the company does well, the C-level makes more money.

    So he likely had an automated recurring sale set up, to sell off part of what he was being paid. So if he’s paid 25 stocks per pay period, maybe he sells off 15 automatically and keeps 10. This allows him to remain more liquid (or diversify his investment portfolio by reinvesting that money into other companies’ stock,) so he isn’t keeping all of his eggs in one basket. It’s the smart thing to do, but can also be bad PR if the stock for your company tanks right after your automated sale goes through.

    At most, he could’ve timed the announcement to happen right after his stock sale. So he can automatically sell when the price is still good, then watch it tank immediately after the sale. That’s not stock market manipulation per the current rules, (because he didn’t actually change how much he was selling, or change when the sale would happen) but it’s still scummy.

  • Yeah, I used to work a job where I was basically on call for 6 hours at a time, but didn’t need to do much unless something broke. I’d help set things up at the top of the day then tear things down at the end. But in between, I was basically just waiting for things to break. It’s safe to say that I used the fuck out of my gaming laptop and VPN at my desk. Because I obviously didn’t want to try playing games on a company computer.

    I played a lot of single player and idle games at that job, because those are easy to walk away from at a moment’s notice. Just hit pause and you can give your full attention to whatever problem has popped up. Then once it’s resolved, you’re right back where you left off.

  • It isn’t compressible at all, really. As far as a compression algorithm is concerned, it just looks like random data.

    Imagine trying to compress a text file. Each letter normally takes 8 bits to represent. The computer looks at 8 bits at a time, and knows which character to display. Normally, the computer needs to look at all 8 bits even when those bits are “empty” simply because you have no way of marking when one letter stops and another begins. It’s all just 1’s and 0’s, so it’s not like you can insert “next letter” flags in that. But we can cut that down.

    One of the easiest ways to do this is to count all the letters, then sort them from most to least common. Then we build a tree, with each character being a fork. You start at the top of the tree, and follow it down. You go down one fork for 0 and read the letter at your current fork on a 1. So for instance, if the letters are sorted “ABCDEF…” then “0001” would be D. Now D is represented with only 4 bits, instead of 8. And after reading the 1, you return to the top of the tree and start over again. So “01000101101” would be “BDBAB”. Normally that sequence would take 40 bits to represent, (because each character would be 8 bits long,) but we just did it in 11 bits total.

    But notice that this also has the potential to produce letters that are MORE than 8 bits long. If we follow that same pattern I listed above, “I” would be 9 bits, “J” would be 10, etc… The reason we’re able to achieve compression is because we’re using the more common (shorter) letters a lot and the less common (longer) letters less.

    Encryption undoes this completely, because (as far as compression is concerned) the data is completely random. And when you look at random data without any discernible pattern, it means that counting the characters and sorting by frequency is basically a lesson in futility. All the letters will be used about the same, so even the “most frequent” characters are only more frequent by a little bit due to random chance. So now. Even if the frequency still corresponds to my earlier pattern, the number of Z’s is so close to the number of A’s that the file will end up even longer than before. Because remember, the compression only works when the most frequent characters are actually used most frequently. Since there are a lot of characters that are longer than 8 bits and those characters are being used just as much as the shorter characters our compression method fails and actually produces a file that is larger than the original.