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Cake day: July 31st, 2023

  • MrGG@lemmy.catoRisa@startrek.websiteMy favorite holiday
    19 days ago

    My headcanon is that after world war 3 we lost track of time (for a while; survival was priority) and a lot of records were destroyed / reconstructed, so the dates become fuzzy after world war 3, and by the time of TNG and DS9 those fuzzy dates had become accepted as fact because they didn’t know any better. The eugenics wars haven’t happened on the canon dates, but whose to say they don’t actually happen 10 or 20 years from now? 😛

    Real life example, our date system involves numbering based on the birth of somebody that almost certainly didn’t exist. It’s just widely accepted that Christ was born 2024 years ago. Or would it be 2025 years ago? I’m too tired to figure that out.

  • I’m still on IRC! There’s a raw simplicity to it that I appreciate. You don’t have to use a bloated Electron app to connect to a proprietary service, you can just go straight text on the protocol-level in terminal (if you’re nuts), and the protocol is open and simple enough to understand that you can easily make your own client even if you’re a lazy or mediocre dev.

    So IRC, Lemmy, and I guess Instagram (if that counts)

  • I haven’t been active on 4chan in well over a decade so I can’t speak to the state of it now. Do you know anything about “Project Chanology”? Around 2008 a whole lot of us “/b/tards” decided to take on the Church of Scientology, and even went outside and protested in front of their churches. Given the reputation of 4chan-ers as being deplorable neck-bearded basement-dwellers most people were shockingly well-adjusted normal people in person. I would describe it as normal people who found it entertaining to be as shocking as possible online, almost as a form of satire (and possibly against the rapid commercialisation of the internet, would be my guess based on my own experience), but were nothing like their online personas (in the majority of cases). But every once in a while you’d come across someone who didn’t quite pick up that it was satire, probably because they had pre-existing bigotries and were looking for like-minded people. (Think about how TheDonald started off as satire, but was quickly co-opted by people that took it seriously).

    This particular screenshot reads like satire to me, but the problem is you don’t know for sure and odds are good that someone will take it seriously, co-opt the conversation, and turn it into something very serious. That’s part of why I starting avoiding 4chan, it used to be offensive memes for that sake of shocking like-minded people / friends, but it eventually became used as a propaganda or recruitment tool for people that weren’t “in on the joke” and to “test the waters”

    TL;DR: Probably not, but (depressingly) you never know

  • Everyone is a friend until they’re not.

    I am not blindly pro-anyone. I want everyone to be able to live in peace. I would give my life to save my Jewish (or Muslim) neighbours.

    What I cannot abide is a massive online propaganda campaign orchestrated by a certain country’s military to try and sway world opinion in favour of a genocide they’re itching to commit in the name of self-defence. Now I’m not saying you’re definitely part of that, but all of the hallmarks are there.

    Israelis deserve to live in peace, as do the Palestinians.

  • Hah. From your perspective sure, I’ll give you that. I don’t think subjective or objective “quality” is the sole criteria when comparing cinema, especially in this context where the article is talking about comic book movies versus the rest of cinema, but I am running on 4 hours of sleep so I wasn’t as clear I could have been, sorry. In this context, from my perspective, they are inherently comparable since they are in the same genre. I think we may also have slightly different applications of “comparable” here — maybe a regional language thing?

    For the record I think the couple of Marvel movies I’ve seen have been vapid wastes of time that could have possibly been written engineered by LLMs for maximum returns on investment. So I think we’re of a similar opinion and probably on the same side here. I still think mentioning Nolan in this context is hilariously hypocritical given he made some of the biggest comic book movies ever. I get the intent behind evoking Nolan’s quality filmmaking, still funny to me regardless.

    That said… Your messages come across as quite antagonistic. Why is that? I mean this quite sincerely: are you doing okay? It takes so much energy to be sour all of the time — I know from experience. Feel free to message me on here if you want to shoot the shit.

    -Mr Giggity