• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • MrPoopyButthole@lemmy.worldOPtoRisa@startrek.websiteRansomware
    10 months ago

    I think MudMan is correctly pointing out that to travel any slower than light speed through space causes time dilation since space is actually space-time.

    There is a trade-off between how fast you travel proportional to the speed of light and how much time a stationary observer percieves to have passed compared to you who is travelling.

    When you travel faster than the speed of light, all time and causality breaks down. This is not the case with how the writers of Star Trek wrote warp drive mechanics, this is our best understanding of the actual universe. Einsteins theory of relativity.

    Fun fact: Light itself (or its quantized unit: the photon) travels at the speed of light and therefore experiences no time. If a photon is emitted from a star across the universe and travels millions of light years before eventually being absorbed by your eye, from our stationary reference point, the light has been travelling for millions of years, but for the photon it was instantaneous. Zero time passed for the photon. This is the idea of time dilation.

  • MrPoopyButthole@lemmy.worldtoRisa@startrek.websiteCope
    10 months ago

    I’d just like to remind you that you’re responsible for giving internet strangers like me uncontrollable laughs, warm fuzzy feelings, and a sense of community. Thank you for that. I’m sending my love and appreciation to you in hope that it helps you weather the storm in this difficult time 💙

  • The NSA buys most of their zero days. It’s no wonder why they have libraries full of them. Finding exploits is a bit different to developing stuff too.

    I agree that they have the vast amounts of training data that they could put to use. I would not be surprised if they had a quantum computer that has broken RSA lower bit ranges by now. This was proven in academic circles to be possible and just needed scaling up. The same is true for using wireless emitting devices to see through walls.

    I’m almost certain that they have full access into Tor now. I read a while ago that they monopolized many exit nodes. Snowden and others must be using multiple methods to conceal their true locations.

    But do they have a self improving AI? I don’t think so. OpenAIs main goal is to create a GPT knowledgeable enough that it can help them improve their own models, AKA reaching the singularity - but with human intervention to prevent a run away effect. Transformer based models are not going to give us AGI. Once the researchers figure out what’s really needed then govt will adopt and scale it. Until then it’s just fancy closed source private versions of what is currently available.