“We have learned nothing in twelve thousand years.”
― Pablo Picasso
That’s an almost perfect way to describe how it makes me feel — though that statement’s a little more profound than just ‘awesome’ lol
I’m absolutely going to check-out all the info you linked, and thank you. I just got off work this morning and will undoubtedly end up going through it… cause it’s still blowing my tiny little brain a bit someway. One of the coolest things I’ve learned in a while
Ehh, I’d prefer they bag it and put it in my trash bin, rather than just leaving a pile of shit in my yard. I’d honestly prefer neither, but using my bin to throw poop bags or even loose trash doesn’t bother me too much
But my bin is also only on the curb when it’s trash day. And they pick them up twice a week here, so a poop bag won’t necessarily “marinate” in there for long. And I rinse the bin with a hose if it becomes gross, but that’s rare because usually the rain will handle most of it
But that’s just my particular situation, so it doesn’t bother me as much. I could easily see how a multitude of different factors, might make the situation aggravating/infuriating
Never thought I’d feel lucky about my trash bin situation though. Sometimes it really is the little things I guess