Sleep in the laundry room?
Sleep in the laundry room?
Wow! Thank you for sharing this with us and how it helped you organize!
Goodnight kitty meow meow
Thank you for your response. I appreciate a different view. I agree it’s a difficult situation to discuss. Education is important which is why I think private practices wouldn’t solve anything. Abrahamic religions started private-ish . Maybe all religions started private-ish. Only a select few. Misinformation trickles down to the uneducated for answers to why and not how. Animism should be considered again
They are Islamic terrorists assholes. Religion backs those beliefs. I doubt it would be harmless because look where we’re at.
Your name will echo through time just as heros do. You offer kindness in an unkind world. I admire your strength. I would leave a poem. It’s art. A goofy group painting with loved ones helping. Then spend time watching nature. Encourage the helpers. Pass stories around the dying fire of my life as it’s reduced to smouldering embers floating into the night.
Thanks, calmed me. I would still be wondering
Thank you
I agree, profits over common knowledge. Head garb might be too tight
Bot wars
Like, corn dogs? Salt on corn dogs sounds gross. But I wouldn’t snuggle a salty corn dog either.
Good month for it
Neat catch
I agree. I thought I was responding to someone who mentioned the murderer was white. Stating race as the motivation for this particular murder overlooks they the privilege involved. Power corrupts weak men. Power and money is what kept both murderers not facing justice. The father got away with it since he had power. They come from the proven bias towards rich vs. poor.
Race has nothing to do with ending life. Shit people exist among groups then and still do now. Be better
Numerous international auditing firms such as TÜV Süd, Bureau Veritas and Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) no longer work in the Uyghur region. They are unable to carry out independent and credible audits there. According to Human Rights Watch, auditing companies have complained about extreme surveillance, the tracking of physical and digital movements and the use of facial recognition. “The employees are paid above average and have little to do,” Loening said, noting that the plant was only used for “technical commissioning and deliveries to dealers in the region”.