• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023


  • If I don’t make any logical steps given the limited words provided in a conversation, then communication becomes impossibly slow. Therefore i feel that I have to make such logical steps. Because text based communication, in the current times, is a bandwidth constraint on the passage of concepts between two human minds. In this case, because of said bandwidth constraint existing between your brain and mine, I made the step and assumed that when you mention making something illegal, that you meant that governments should prohibit the act and do as they (in my understanding) typically do and enforce said prohibition with threat of incarceration. That may have been an oversimplified view of the judicial system, there are other means of enforcement, but I’m only really familiar with the idea of children either being incarcerated or maybe given community service, but I usually (I’m not sure why) given to believe that community service isn’t usually a statutory punishment, but rather a discretionary adjustment that a judge can afford someone. It’s also worth noting that I have concerns about the way in which minorities are disproportionately sentenced, procecuted, and ultimately harmed by the judicial system. Concerns which bias my thoughts when the subject is raised. But I’d like to make clear that I’m using the term bias a bit more strictly, as in every human has a bias against/for basically everything.

    So, if I may take another leap, it seems you’re implying that you are specifically talking about me, and not using “you” in the general sense. And I’ll assume you’re actually referring to this current conversation, and claiming that I caused this outcome because I put words in your mouth. Oh, and by that you’re saying (again, these are my assumptions) that I’m claiming that you said something which you never actually said.

    So maybe, if you take some logical leaps for the sake of me being able to type this in my life time, you can see that I was not necessarily trying to maliciously misconstrue what it is that you were saying.

    And in case it’s not clear, the above is conveyed with mild contempt for you.

  • You may be from the US, where this isn’t really a concept, but there is significant evidence that you actually can teach better with proper rewards for good behaviour than you can with punishment for bad behaviour.

    I’m actually not sure what the science says about doing both together (maybe I’d read on it more if I actually had kids), but personal experience and discussions at least indicate that parents who punish consistently, rarely couple it with equivalent rewards/praise.

    But maybe you and/or your parents are different.

    Personally, I just got punished a lot for having ADHD. Not that they knew it at the time, but it turns out that’s effectively what was happening. And for people with ADHD, small immediate rewards are WAY more effective than potential, delayed punishment, even if severe.