Ask all the guests in rooms >= 2 to move over one, then move into room 2.
There is always a vacancy.
Ask all the guests in rooms >= 2 to move over one, then move into room 2.
There is always a vacancy.
It is the first way to differentiate between decent people and ambulatory piles of garbage.
When our house was being built, we had them install a pipe chase from the basement near the fuse box to the attic, specifically for me to be able to run whatever cable I wanted to later on. This was done with 3" PVC (I think, I haven’t looked for a while).
I’m seeing other people suggesting much narrower conduit, and I would have to advise against that. Let’s say you already have a couple of ethernet cables run through your pipe chase, and you want to run another one. Having plenty more room for the fish tape with the new cable attached is going to make it much easier to pull that new cable through.
I would run the largest conduit you can fit.
Maybe the sovcits were inadvertently on to something.
“Well, we’ll just have to scoop up random brown people, I guess. Gotta keep those numbers up.”
GMail did this early on, and it most definitely worked.
I bet all five of the people charged are US citizens.
It’s why hospitals and jails have an inventory of beer.
I will pry my SSRIs from your cold, dead hands.
I didn’t read it as being necessarily a moral cost; rather, simply acknowledging that there is a cost of some kind, and that a particular person might find that cost worth paying.
I don’t think this raises the bar on resistance. It just clarifies where the bar actually is.
Luigi Mangione’s statement, posted on a website set up by his defense to provide information about his cases, appear to be his first public comments since he shouted to reporters before a court appearance in Pennsylvania in December.
NBC News is not going to say that unless it’s true. Failure to vet that claim and having it be false would be bad for NBC in every single way.
Acknowledging the failure of the legal system is hardly a dissuasion from action.
Some will view the mistake you are committing here in the light of their generally negative views of the new Administration. I do not share those views.
Look, the guy is still a shitheel.
Federal judges are appointed, and they have lifetime positions, just like SCOTUS.
Parent commenter is describing what the administration is likely to continue doing. They’ve already paid little heed to federal injunctions against them. They’ve already started calling federal judges into question.
Just because you’re not white doesn’t mean you can’t be a white supremacist.
Oh absolutely. Anyone who rails against “DEI” is by definition a white supremacist.
DEI is bad! Treat everyone based on their merits! Remove the bio pages for anyone not white and male!
… ?
“There are instances where in classrooms, you have curriculum that is needed to use flags such as World War II, Civil War,” he said. “You may have a Nazi flag. You may have a Confederate flag, and so you are allowed to display those flags… as part of the curriculum, and that is okay.”
There are no such instances. Students are fully capable of learning about the Confederacy and the Nazis without those actual flags being present in the classroom. They know this, so there must be some other reason they’re pushing this bill.
Context from the article:
Jewish man shoots two Jewish men because he thought they were Palestinians. Shooting victims think they were shot by Arabs because they’re Jewish. How could Arabs do this???