A pure bred Akita named Misha. She was a beautiful and nice dog that some neighbors down the street has. I loved that dog and pet her whenever I went by and she was out.
One day, after walking one of the little neighbor girls to school, I stopped to pet her and she got excited and in the process of licking my face, got a fang caught in the bridge of my nose, ripping it open from top to bottom. She didn’t mean to, but it happened and I had to get a bunch of stitches (and discovered that they can’t numb cartilage), so the poor girl had to spend the rest of her life in a small high-fenced yard. I hated it, but I completely understood the owners wanting to make sure they didn’t have to put her down over a mistake.
If I’m honest, I can take them doing that to desktops. I hate it and think it’s stupid, but I can also see that in not the target audience and don’t like computer touch screens.
What pisses me off the most is that they did it TO THE GODDAMNED SERVER VERSION TOO! There is no reason for 2012/r2 to have the tile interface other than both are built on the same architecture. Its so asinine to have a touchscreen interface on a server platform.