uMatrix isn’t maintained anymore, but you can actually do this directly in uBO now!
uMatrix isn’t maintained anymore, but you can actually do this directly in uBO now!
Ah yes, a sort of cleansing operation.
Of people of a particular ethnicity.
I wonder if there’s a term for that…
I hadn’t heard about using the headers to check for spoofed emails before. Here’s more information on how to do it for anyone else who’s curious.
“Why and how would you falsely confess to anything?”
TLDR: cops tortured this poor guy into believing he killed his father while on medication. They threatened to euthanize his dog. He tried to hang himself in the interrogation room. Then they found his father ALIVE. Then they sent him to a psychiatric ward, since he was unstable from the torture THEY inflicted.
It sickens me to see that someone thinks this can’t happen.
Keymonk. It actually still mostly works if you find an old apk, I’m using it now. The suggestion bar is broken and it’s a little buggy, but god most of the time it still flies, security risks be damned.
Keyboard 69 was another option, but it’s also abandoned and I found it much more bloated and buggy.
What I wouldn’t give for a good open source two finger swiping keyboard…
Off to Guantanamo he goes!