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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I would try to be cautious about that line of thinking. Some incidents that have nothing to do with criticism of the Israeli government: the threats this week at cornell, high profile people like kanye getting away with and normalizing overt hate (not criticizing israel, saying literal weird antisemitic stuff), the qanon stuff, the Pittsburgh shooting, the hate incidents in Florida, the neonazi and fascist militias increasing in many parts of the u.s., etc. These are people making threats, specifically against Jewish people, and saying that Jewish people existing is a problem. These are not people criticizing Israeli government policy. I think the ADL and other entities have been criticized for sometimes not making a clear distinction, but incidents completely unrelated to criticism of Israel’s gov have definitely been rising in a lot of places and it’s unfortunate that bad faith geopolitical rhetoric is obscuring that.

  • I think many people in the U.S. do feel extremely shitty about it. People do care, people are upset, and many are protesting and talking and doing what they can to try to mitigate or heal or push back against the actions of their own governments in the ways that they can. I don’t know if you were around for the 2000s, but people protested then, too. It may not feel that way depending on what media you see or what people you know, but many people do strongly criticize their own government and feel awful about the way their tax dollars are used and the rhetoric that comes out of their leaders. I think most americans (offline anyway) do condemn war crimes, do feel icky about our own government’s involvement and motives, and are mourning the suffering on both sides of this conflict. If you’re seeing lots of disregard for human life around you, it might help to seek out some of the groups and voices and people who are feeling unsettled and are doing something. I know there are lots of donations happening and I’ve seen news about events mourning the dead and groups trying to help the people who are there. It might not be on every front page, but it is out there, if you look for it. The people loudly saying that death and suffering is justified for certain groups of people will try to make it seem like everybody feels that way. But in practice, that has never been true. Anyone with a heart hates this shit. So many people are trying to help. Don’t let propagandists convince you otherwise.

  • I am so tired of this dynamic, both in high profile cases and in my own local community. If people gave even a tenth of the support they give to accused predators, to the actual people they have hurt, the world would be a completely different place. I don’t understand the instinct here to shame and ostracize survivors but lionize the people accused of rape and abuse. I’m exhausted.

    Edit: I want to add: People do deserve support while they work on changing, but this isn’t that. They were trying to help his case and rehabilitate his character, not help him take accountability and make amends. That’s what makes it so awful. You can support someone you love in taking responsibility for their their actions, without downplaying the seriousness of it or shielding them from what they did. This is the latter. People always say they’re doing the former, but there is a massive distinction.