• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • It’s a long string of Tory failures that they enacted pretty much only so they could keep their hands on power.

    Cameron > made the referendum part of the 2015 manifesto to stop UKIP splitting the Tory vote.

    May > enacted Article 50 to stop the totally-not-UKIP/disaster capitalists from paralysing the party

    Johnson > made ‘oven ready shit biscuit Brexit’ part of the 2019 manifesto so he could whip his party of YesMen into doing whatever the fuck he liked.

    Makes me so so angry.

  • I’m baffled by how you lump everyone into such a close vote as ‘getting what they wanted’, with an undertone suggesting you mean ‘getting what they deserved’.

    Most people can’t just up and leave their country; to do so would mean causing more damage to their lives than just sitting in the shit sandwich they’ve been served by the useful idiots that made this mess.

    Then there’s the whole issue with Russian interference that ‘probably happened’ according to MI5/6, but needed a full investigation which Alexander Boris de Pfelelfllellogram Johnson - likely being in Russian pockets already - obviously quashed.