• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • By sticking them where they didn’t belong… kind of hard to explain but I was working on a friend’s lawn mower and lost my balance, I tried to push against the mower to hold myself up but my hand slipped, kind of bounced off the ground and the mower blade managed to catch them.

    It didn’t really hurt but I was more mad at myself for it happening. I brought the fingertips to the hospital but they were kinda smooshed, and they had to take a bit more bone out of my fingers so that they’d have enough skin to close it up.

  • Kidney stones. I’ve had the tips of two fingers on my left hand chopped off, and even that didn’t come close to the feeling of a kidney stone rattling down the pipework.

    I have Medullary sponge kidney, which in short makes my kidneys a stone factory. It’s a love/hate relationship at this point. On the plus side, I’ve found drinking at least 2 liters of lemonade every day has done wonders to stop my kidneys from feeling like they’re trying to kill me all the time.

  • Years ago I was working construction on a house and an iron clamp (around 2 or three pounds) under tension with a chain snapped and flew towards me and hit me in the forehead hard enough it spun me ass over tea kettle off of a scaffold where I belly flopped onto concrete about 6 or 7 feet down. I woke up about ten minutes later with paramedics around me laying in a pool of blood. I was air lifted by helicopter to the city around 80 miles away.

    I still have a nice 2 inch scar on my head from where it hit, but thankfully I have a nice thick skull and I didn’t get any brian dabblage :)