But that’s not caused by ADHD. These days everyone seems to think they have ADHD or some kind of food tolerance. Without knowing what it really means to actually have those.
But that’s not caused by ADHD. These days everyone seems to think they have ADHD or some kind of food tolerance. Without knowing what it really means to actually have those.
Because it’s mostly hyped in pseudo scientific news. Yes it’s a super vulcano, there will be some evacuations happening. But no, there will not be a super eruption.
We don’t have 2 months vacation…
That was the first thing I wondered. Where tf did Sicily go… with its huge Etna vulcano…
I thought in NG 1000 people lived on it?
NewPipe does not have cast functionality and doesn’t include Sponsorblock.
That’s not casting dude, you are describing screen mirroring, which is a completely different kind of experience. Why tf would you even do mirroring if you can simply cast. This is a really strange reply.
Revanced is complicated because you first need to find a compatible YouTube version (old version) and download it’s APK. Then, you need to uninstall YouTube, apply Revanced to the downloaded APK and then install it Only to discover the Cast button was removed by Revanced. When you start over, deselect “remove cast button from video player”, you still end up without it.
I can’t even cast to SmartTubeNext on AndroidTV…
Way too complex and too limiting for 99.99% of YouTube watchers.
Planting the same type of tree doesn’t make a forest. It’s a tree farm.
You could have caught it, even multiple times, while not experiencing symptoms. Meanwhile you did spread it to others unknowingly.
The population of the world or of your country? Pretty hard to perform behavioural statistical research for the entire population…