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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • You can move within your country and your experience will be entirely different. You can’t in China, because it’s an authoritarian hellstate.

    I agree that Republicans are authoritarians, and that sucks. I also acknowledge that you likely view hierarchies as inherently authoritarian and that we’ll likely not see eye to eye on where to draw lines. Also fine - that’s what liberal ideologies want, is that disagreement.

    But to compare China positively with the US in terms of authoritarianism is, frankly, a bit silly.

  • My guy, I’m living in a state that tried to arrest a woman for removing an ectopic pregnancy.

    Yep, and your state voted for that. My state amended it’s constitution to prevent this situation, also through voting.

    In China, you don’t get that option, because China is an authoritarian state.

    Authoritarian doesn’t simply mean “bad” even though authoritarianism is bad.

    You know what’s not a sign of an authoritarian state? An appeals court overturning a bad verdict.

    Crystal Mason’s contentious illegal voting conviction must be reconsidered, criminal appeals court says

    You should really click the links you use as evidence.

  • The trade organization is arguing for investment into their marke

    This is the only solution to the housing crisis. We have too little housing. We need more.

    The situation is not caused by a lack of number of houses

    This is not supported by math.

    There should be something like a land value tax that pushes for more efficient use of land

    Stop, stop - I can only get so erect! I’d absolutely love to see more of a push for LVTs, but we both know that’s our fantasy and not a serious discussion in the near term.

  • In that case, how about “uncaringly” bombing? No matter how you swing it, they are taking a hammer to a population.

    Totally agreed. I don’t support the bombing campaign as it has been prosecuted by Israel. I think it is a very poor choice.

    And just to also address that, 0.6% has died because of this. Another fair stat, but hides the actual number of 15k+. This all kicked off due to a horrific attack that killed 1.5k.

    I specifically address this in my comparison to Mosul, in which a similar amount of civilians died, while being 20% as dense as Gaza. The US was clearly not aiming to maximize civilian casualties in Mosul.

    My entire point here is not “bombing civilians is fine,” but “war kills civilians, which is why war is bad, and there is zero evidence that this is genocide.”

    This situation sucks and the outpouring of pure rage-bombing from Israel is completely stupid, immoral, and counter-productive. It is not genocide, nor is it indiscriminate.

    On a personal note, thank you for engaging with me as a person. I can pretty much guarantee I’m gonna catch a lot of really offensive and personal attacks for saying true things here, and I thank you for not being part of that.