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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • I’ve always heard “in oder to be successful you have to be able or willing to do things others can’t or wont”. Global competition and increased technology has pretty well evened out the ability side of that quote leaving behind the other factor of what people are willing to do. I think the biggest decider on what people are willing to do is based on personal morals and ethics, so a person more willing to ignore ethics has a better chance of becoming successful. This is supported by statistics that show corporate executives and politicians exibiting psychopathic traits at higher rates than the general population. The only way I can think of to correct this is to have regulations on ethics, which is why I whole-heartedly support the CFPB and despise Republicans who try to shut it down.

  • There is a combination of sounds that could perfectly describe advanced technology capable of ending world hunger and suffering. Verbal communication is like spells. All words have an effect on our mind and emotions, it’s just that most word’s effects are too small to notice. There could be some perfect combination of words that resonate with everyone and brings about world peace.

  • Occam’s razor is choosing the simplest answer. There is no simple answer when it comes to teleportation. I’m not sure there is a full break in consciousness when we sleep. Consciousness may not even be the right word…

    In this case I’m not defining consciousness as simply being awake, but instead defining it as the perspective from which each individual perceives the universe.

  • Yeah… I’m not sure I understand that comment without an example. Are you saying your field is something that takes a lifetime to master and you have to spend every waking hour working on it?

    And yes the classes that I learned the most in were the ones where we would read the textbook together and do exercises during class. The worst were the ones that would just assign the chapter for you to read at home without them there as a resource if you had any questions.