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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • I apologize - it wasn’t my intention to imply that at all! Emotional self management is a critical skill for managers - and that shouldn’t mean “go away, emotions!”. A trainer and coach I highly respect phrased it simply: “emotions are. They exist if we like them or not.”.

    What I intended to convey was “do not use a public platform to channel your emotions.”

    If this would’ve been a private conversation I would integrate an explanation of my current situation, feelings and context for my reaction. And also this sounds abstract it can totally be a “dude I’m absolutely pissed. I need you to work with me through this.” (this works btw in both meanings of “pissed” ;)).

  • Oh that was in purpose! It shouldn’t matter that I personally am angry. My employees should never NEVER try to prevent me from being angry but focus on doing the best job they can.

    That’s what I admire about Linus: he realized the negative impact his anger had on the performance of others - and fixed it!

    To be clear: I can be angry - but my anger isn’t the reason I want things to change. Being angry is MY FAILURE as manager!

    Think about it in another way: do you want your colleagues do things they thin prevent you from being disappointed, frustrated or angry - xor do you want then to move your collective goal forward no matter what you’d think.

    Another example: if I’d be the one to have caused this communication mess I’d want my employees to call me out - even though I will get angry the moment I realize I’ve fucked up big time!

  • As many seem to have overlooked itb this is from more than a decade ago.

    And to those setting “not being toxic” == “being vague”:

    Suggestion if you’re in a situation: separate the subject discussed from the person and, to the contrary to what is said in some other posts, be very specific!

    Improvised example:

    Hey all,

    patch xyzz and its aftermath communication is unacceptable.

    It’s content is not to the standards we have set here (explain).

    Even worse, in the communication aftermath we blamed behavior of user space applications for bugs that are within our domain instead of owning up.

    The bugs within the kernel will be focused on with highest priority by a, b and myself.

    For the communication: (consequences). As explained the patterns shown here are unacceptable.

    I have decided to no longer have x as a kernel maintainer on our team/enforce pairing for all communication/set up stricter consequence catalogue. Any specific action,really…

    Not perfect as it’s very early here, I haven’t slept well and I’m not deep into the topic.

    Just remember to separate subject to be discussed from person(s) acting please.

    And always remember: bad communication is really easy and a lot of managers trained that their whole life! ♥

  • Disclaimer: also Hobby person but did some more reading on that topic in the past. . Think about what those things are then decide:

    The tos are your conditions: I as provider of this service will reserve the right to x. When a user does y I will do z. It’s cover your ass for businesses.

    A privacy policy on the other hand might be required by law as soon as you process user data in any way. This is something that I would look into your jurisdiction and their requirements. I’d guess Germany is more on the formal side on things (clichés and everything)

    In short: you don’t need a tos but most likely want one. You don’t want a privacy policy but most likely need one. :)

  • I second openhab. Can’t speak for too many integrations but all I tried work without issues.

    Especially the separation of abstraction layers is something that I came to appreciate highly. You have the physical object, it’s item representation and then the rules and interactions. On the downside might be the way that this abstraction makes the configuration a bit more complicated - but as you’re missing the yaml config you might enjoy the configuration files! I’d just give it a shot :)

    HA has a sour taste for me since their broken promise about open sourcing their server side. It’s still a black box. Plus the whole dns debacle a while back. And I honestly don’t understand how HA is still the de facto standard for home automation - I tried recreating some of my more complicated rules in HA and it became such a mess very quickly (think of 3 or 4 non nested conditions and altering the states of multiple objects depending on virtual items).