Hi, I’m Shauna! I’m a 37 year old transgender woman from Ontario, Canada. I’m also a Linux enthusiast, and a Web Developer by trade. Huge Star Trek fan, huge Soulsborne fan, and all-around huge nerd.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I wonder what the same people criticizing trans health care as “mutilation of children” think of intersex babies having genital surgery forced upon them to align their genitals with gender binary ideals.

    And just before anyone has a chance to say it, trans healthcare for teens is okay despite them not being able to consent because if they don’t choose quickly then one of the options is going to be forced upon them.

    It’s like a child standing on train tracks with a train speeding toward them and the child expressing that they’d like to get out of the way while people telling them “No! You’re not old enough to make that decision!”

  • Okay, I chose the wrong word, but it’s semantics, I’m pretty sure you know what I mean by the word “productivity”. There are already plenty of countries where there are jobs going unfilled for months or even years. Teams stretched thin and expected to do the same amount of work as 2 or even 3 people would have done in the past, and it’s only going to get worse if immigration is limited because developed countries currently depend on immigration to fill the gaps.

    You’re right that it’s totally unsustainable to depend on immigration to fill gaps in your labour pool. The hope many governments seem to be hinging on is that this crisis will rectify itself as the bloated elderly population of the pyramid starts to die off. There definitely needs to be systemic change, but that takes time. In the short term, there are plenty of immigrants that can fill those roles and keep your country’s economy strong in the short term. Countries that fail to recognize that are going to have a rough time.

    Of course there are plenty of other reasons that immigration should be accepted. I just figure conservatives are really the only ones who oppose it and they tend to think in terms of the bottom line and their own selfish interests, so I thought I would frame it in a way that would appeal to them.

  • You’re right, my mistake. I was thinking of Existential Nihilism which is a school of thought within Nihilism, but is different in it’s interpretation as I described in my original post.

    Existential nihilism is the philosophical theory that life has no objective meaning or purpose… The inherent meaninglessness of life is largely explored in the philosophical school of existentialism, where one can potentially create their own subjective “meaning” or “purpose”.

    … Friedrich Nietzsche further expanded on these ideas, and … has become a major figure in existential nihilism.

    There are also some quotes of note in the main Nihilism Wikipedia article

    Nietzsche distinguishes a morality that is strong or healthy, meaning that the person in question is aware that he constructs it himself, from weak morality, where the interpretation is projected on to something external.

    As such, the self-dissolution of Christianity constitutes yet another form of nihilism. Because Christianity was an interpretation that posited itself as the interpretation, Nietzsche states that this dissolution leads beyond skepticism to a distrust of all meaning.

    I think Absurdism is more what people are generally describing when they use the term Nihilism in popular culture. Here are a couple of excerpts from the same Existential Nihilism Wikipedia article I linked.

    The supposed conflict between our desire for meaning and the reality of a meaningless world is explored in the philosophical school of absurdism.

    With Kierkegaard, the concept of absurdism was developed, which explains the concept of humans trying to find meaning in a meaningless world.

  • I’m so tired of people thinking that nihilism (Nietzsche’s main philosophy for those unaware) is depressing. It’s not at all, it’s actually very hopeful and liberating. Nihilism can basically be boiled down to “nothing matters” which sounds depressing, but what it really means is that “nobody can tell you what matters from your perspective, only you can decide what matters to you”. It was considered depressing and was railed against by the public at the time because it goes against religious teaching which tells you that religion matters objectively and unquestioningly.

    It’s extremely liberating even today despite religion not having a choke hold on society as much as it did during Nietsche’s time. It’s liberating because if what truly matters to you is shitposting on Lemmy, then that’s great! Go live your most meaningful existence! Enjoy yourself and be proud of your accomplishments in that field! You choose your own worldview and what matters to you, and that’s obviously a very a positive thing, it’s not depressing or morose or narrow-minded and I’m tired of people just boiling it down to “Nihilism is for depressed people”.

  • Not only do I think this study is complete non-sense, but 3 other professors at the same journal published their comments and concerns with this study and how it’s being spread around as though it’s fact when in truth, the “science” in it is rubbish.

    Here’s a link to the article in PubMed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37726582/
    PubMed unfortunately doesn’t have a transcript, but you can read the transcript here (or click on the link next to DOI in PubMed that I linked above): https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40279-023-01928-8

    Here’s TL;DR from the conclusion of the comment on the study is that the original study’s scientific basis is dubious at best, it hasn’t been properly peer reviewed, despite not being properly peer reviewed this article is being shared and used as a basis for shaping policies.

    And besides, even if the original study were true, wouldn’t transgender athletes would be winning at a rate higher than their prevalence in sports? Considering about 1% of people are transgender, they should win 1% of the time, but that doesn’t happen, because any advantage is entirely fictitious.

    And even if there was an advantage, there are lots of people who have a biological advantage. That’s just a part of sports that’s impossible to eliminate because we’re not all robots running on the exact same hardware and software.

  • I apologize if you’re not a transphobe, but you reposted a singular study whose findings are trash at best and outright bigotry at worst. I think it’s natural for me to assume you’re a transphobe trying to troll considering I specifically said:

    …anti-transgender jerks are just making a big stink about it because it sounds reasonable on it’s face to uninformed people and so it’s a good wedge issue to bring up. Anti-transgender people don’t care about the sports they’re “trying to save”, they just hate transgender people and want to see them suffer, and anyone who entertains their non-sense is complicit (probably unknowingly) in that suffering.

    So please, those of you who are reasonable, shut down any discussion of transgender sports bans.

    Of course trying to continue the discourse would make me assume that you’re transphobic. You should have been more clear if that’s not the case. Regardless, it shouldn’t take away from my point. Again though, I apologize if you posted it from a perspective of honest discussion, but I hope you understand that this topic is often a target of trolls who seek to muddy the water by “just asking questions” in bad faith.