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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023

  • Oh, sorry, i thought we were shitposting on a meme. Ok, serious lore stuff.

    The Valar (gods) would not be affected by the Ring. Yes. However, the undying lands are also inhabited by Maiar (wizards, balrogs, etc.) and Eldar (elves) who could most definitely be corrupted by the Ring. After the attack by Ungoliant and Morgoth on the Two Trees of Light the Valar were very picky about who could enter Valinor. Hell, they sundered the seas just to further control access to their shores.

    So I think it’s pretty safe to say the Ring would not be permitted access to the West, directly prevented by the Valar themselves. They would never permit the taint of corruption in their own halls

    Heh heh, taint

  • tl;dr: Yes you can become a Nazi, if the seed is there to begin with.

    Everyone has dark thoughts and urges deep in their heart, and everyone has biases and prejudices to overcome. Most of us are able to balance and control these things. We learn and grow, see our own faulty reasoning over time, and allow compassion and empathy to see others as we see ourselves. I think Kanye is an example of wealth allowing unregulated behavior, combined with spiraling mental health, to amplify those prejudices and dark thoughts into twisted new beliefs.

    I’m not trying to make excuses for Mr West. His behavior is reprehensible. I can also see how someone who is already borderline narcissistic gets their pride reinforced through creative success. I can see how a man who is part of an oppressed minority would be suspicious of those with more power and influence. And i can see how those factors could be amplified as that person becomes wealthier, more successful in their pursuits, and less beholden to other’s social mores.

    I think conservatorships are problematic and easily abused. I also think Kanye needs the boundaries a conservatorship could place on him. He’s obviously unwell. I know him, because I have a friend just like him, only poor. My friend doesn’t blame “the Jews”, but they are not happy, even when well medicated. And when they spiral, it’s ugly

    BTW, I don’t always agree with you Squid, but I’m still glad you escaped the US. Wishing you and your family the best

  • Something I find delightful is how Terry Pratchett worked this event into his novel Night Watch. Of course the Glorious Revolution of the Twenty-Fifth of May is inspired by many public revolts to oppressive rule, not the least of which is the June Rebellion in Paris in 1832. But it’s also no accident that some of the villains of the story work for the Cable Street Particulars, an enforcement arm of the fascist ruling Patrician.


  • This is the answer. It’s the intersection of those with strong personal opinions and the power (money) to speak their mind without true repercussions, and the power (money) hungry who are following the strongest zeitgeist in the halls of power.

    The zeitgeist exists because the entrenched powerful ones are currently using trans people and migrants as a wedge between different parts of the working class. It used to be homosexuals and communists. Or abortions and hippies. Or slaves. Or indigenous people. Ad nauseum. It’s about keeping the working class divided and maintaining power. This is the latest version. And it’s not just in the US BTW

    People like Rowling are new money working class that fell for the con

  • Joshua Dean had a memory keen

    He was strong and he ran every day

    But his lungs turned to goo And he had a stroke too

    At 46, he was sent on his way

    Oh, and Swampy Barnett loved his mama

    And he took a lot of pride in his work

    He found 300 reasons why a plane couldn’t fly

    And now he’s over his head in the dirt

    You can know a lot

    You can know a little

    But whatever you know

    Just don’t blow the whistle