That’s a weird way of saying that all manufacturers will from now adhere to the NACS or SAE J3400 charge standard, further breaking down the barriers to locked in–or monopolized–charge networks. It’s also a very weird way of saying that a common charge standard will further diversify stakeholdership in an already pretty diversified charge network stakeholdership ecosystem.
Musk isn’t even Tesla’s founder, BTW. Musk just bought the place.
It’s stupid shit like this why regulation is not the answer to big tech. But then we wouldn’t need regulation if big tech didn’t ruin all that was good about the Internet to begin with.
People are the problem. At large scale they turn everything to shit. Both in the private sector and in the public sector. Both meddling, making decisions on your behalf. In all cases taking your power away. It was better when we were just small communities, suffering and learning from the consequences of our own actions.
What’s your beef with PHEVs? Most people use EV driving on them almost exclusively or at least a majority of the time. So your 83% number is way too high. And battery isn’t practical for 100% of situations (there are no silver bullets). PHEVs are still a huge win. HEVs can go in the garbage though.
You left out the most important part.
Yes, people’s attitudes change. You can undo everything else, but there is one thing you cannot undo: kids. There’s no going back from having a child, being a father, being a mother. Sure, there’s visitation, but that just sucks for everyone, especially the child.
Marriage is not so much a lifetime commitment to a spouse, as it is a commitment to the children you would eventually nurture.
To be fair, robots kinda wear out over time too, arguably at a faster rate. At least living tissue can self repair.
Am I throwing away all my mice, keyboards, DAC, digital pens, and other peripherals just so I can have a connector with more bandwidth than I’ll ever need? Nah.
Am I buying them or adapters all over again just so I can be compatible with a new universal standard that I don’t need? Double nah.
KVM switches, or breakout hubs that these devices plug into, then a single USB c device goes to the computer is the most logical avenue for a migration. But this will take a long time. Most people don’t even have that kind of luxury.
What does “stale code” even mean in this context?
Does that mean it falls behind stable? Just merge stable into your branch; problem solved.
Or is this just some coded language for “people aren’t adopting my ideas fast enough”. Stop bitching and get good.
There’s a fine line between deserving of being scammed because of who they are and consequences of actions or inaction and it’s important we do not cross that line.
People have to take some responsibility to think critically about the content they consume. If people are not capable of consuming content responsibly, perhaps they should not consume content at all.
The alternative is policing content itself, and that is a very dangerous place to be for a whole host of other reasons.
I think you missed the part where the person you are replying to is talking about the ethics of the platform itself, not the ethical viewpoint of the users using the platform nor the personal views of the developers.
I despise Twitter’s leadership as much as the rest, but increasing ads is not at all a “cause a problem” situation Twitter doesn’t owe you ad-free usage of their platform. So no, not a scam/scummy behaviour, just bad value.
And you don’t owe Twitter your patronage. So just move on from it.
Cataloging individual DNA data casually at a massive scale opens the door for massive genetic discrimination of all kinds, from discriminatory health insurance premiums and hiring discrimination to aparthied, eugenics, and genocide. “Don’t be silly that’ll never happen here.” Is the height of affluent arrogance.
Humans have proven themselves to be fully capable of these horrors, it is just a matter of time until it happens again, and when we create tools of consolidated power-- just like IBM created machines that enabled Nazi concentration camps–we only increase the chance of enabling some deranged element of society oto repeat these catastrophic horrors.
All that downside just so we can consume 15 minutes of dopamine.