Where’s my bots go? Did they gain shit-lib sentience an decide to downvote me? You silly little bundle of twigs.
Where’s my bots go? Did they gain shit-lib sentience an decide to downvote me? You silly little bundle of twigs.
At first it was going to be to forgive all student debt for everyone making under $80k, then it was $20k, then they knocked it down to $10k but only for left-handed, red-headed, teacher-nurses. Get it through your thick heads; the Demo-rats don’t give a fuck about you any more than Republi-tards. If they gave away free education, their military recruitment (which mostly benefits from taking advantage of desperate poor people) would suffer even more, and it’s already at an all-time low. And that’s setting aside that colleges now are just huge moneymaking Ponzi-scheme, hedge-fund sports franchises that do education as a side-hustle.
What they really mean is that they don’t give a fuck about poor kids, because poor people don’t have time to stand in line for 8 hours to vote. Their kids are going to the nice, new, asbestos-free, lead free, organic, non-GMO schools.
There was another video of this from another angle. It’s called a “rotor wash”. Those fuckheads did it on purpose. They said they were “trying to land to deliver some generators”. Where were the generators then? Why did they fly off after that instead of finding an appropriate place to land to offload these mysterious generators? The reason that these assholes are trying to block aid is that the feds have deals with “aproved” aid providers, which most likely involve kickbacks/donations to certain political groups.
If you mean “is it full of bougie shitlibs having a circle jerk” then yes, in that vein, it’s just like reddit.
In The Prophecy (1995), Christopher Walken played a corrupted Gabriel who is jealous of humans because God stopped talking to him (?). Viggo Mortensen plays Satan, not exactly sympathetically, but not too unrelatable. Constantine (2005) had a similar sub-plot With Tilda Swinton playing a jealous Gabriel, and of course Neo as Constantine.
I’m not an expert, but I was thinking it probably has to do with muscle memory. If you’re only doing “leg day” one day a week/month, then your body isn’t used to it, so it feels harder to do.
Gen-Xer here, and I used to hate those furry-tailed rats. In one of my old apartments, one lived in the eaves of my building near my window and used to wake me up chewing on shit all the time. I’ve worked 2nd and 3rd shift jobs most of my adult life, and have found it hard enough to get other humans to respect my sleep time, let alone some rabid rodents that everyone else thinks are cute. I’m pretty much indifferent to them now, not being a property owner, but I can definitely understand why people hate them.
There used to be a clip on Fu Kung (remember that?) where a dude set up a trap on his back porch with a basket and some bungie cords, and when the squirrel took the bait, the guy cut the tether and flings the unsuspecting little bugger like 30 or 40 yards.
Good luck with that. On an unrelated note, how’s that arrest of a certain Israli war-criminal going? Or a certain Orange Asshole former, and maybe future POTUS?
Hello… hello… hello…
Welcome to the shit-lib Ecco chamber.
The two-party system is a fucking joke. Voting for Rethuglicans is fascist bootlicking. Voting for Democrats is just rainbow-colored fascism. Both sides just virtue signal to their base about identity politics, but change nothing fundamentally that will anger the true masters: the oligarchs who really run shit.
At my apartments they have it in the lease that we are not allowed to use Drano, becase our pipes are pvc. I use a coathanger that I’ve put a little hook on with pliers. My gf has long hair, and sheds like a goddam collie.
It will never happen. Biden is owned by the same people as Trump. There’s only one party, the party of the Oligarchs. All of the petty shit about abortion, trans rights, gay rights, racial equality, gender equality, religion, second amendment, etcetera are all distractions to keep us all at each others throats while the rich cocksuckers figure out more insidious ways to fuck us all over.
Do you know how much garlic bread I can make for $5? A bunch, and fucking good too!
Peanut butter. Generic peanut butter is downright nasty. Skippy or Jiff for me.
I recently quit my job over this exact thing. I am (was) the highest producer in my department for a certain metal part in my whole department. My department consisted of 4 different machines and ran 3 shifts. The next highest producer in my department might have 70 to 75% of my production for the year. I found out one lazy ass, who’s output is less than half of mine, makes a dollar more that me.
Republicans are retarded maniacs and Democrats are gaslighting hypocrites who play dumb when called out on their bullshit.
On my Facebook feed there was a Transformer toy in the shape of Starbug called Smegatron.
Not surprised; BOA is the fucking Taco Bell of banking. The only one worse that I can think of is Wells Fargo.
One place I worked had end of shift meetings every day for the transition between third and first shift. First shift was supposed to get there 15 minutes early, but hardly ever did. This was a stand-up meeting at the end of an 8 hour shift. Look assholes, I’m tired and I wanna go home.Your disrespect of my time isn’t helping my attitude toward this shit-hole company. Also, apparently, they didn’t need to do this for second shift, because, you know, first shift is tired and wants to leave on time. Imagine that. I ended up quitting when they tacked on extra hours for us to work at the last minute during the week of Thanksgiving, so that effectively we’d still end up working 40 hours. What’s the fucking point of holidays if you’re just going to make us work more hours anyway?
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