Hello brother
Hello brother
Middle out! Middle out!
Who are you? How did you get in here?‽
I’m a locksmith…. And I’m a locksmith
I read the books and lined them up The show deviates from the books and should be considered “inspired by” That said, the show is made by people who also truly loved the books and characters, and they did a great job making an adaptation
You can tell because it’s round, not straight 🧐
Years back I saw Dessa open for another show. Fell in love with Skeleton Key
Sometimes two things can both be true
Started watching TOS in reruns in the late 70s and 80s.
I was a very lonely teenager in a blue collar, uneducated family when TNG premiered. I watched every episode of the first season alone in the dark on an old B&W tv as they were watching other stuff on the good TV.
TNG opened my eyes to a world of possibility, the diversity and wonder of life, leadership, and aspiring to something bigger than my small world.
There was plenty of criticism about the Wesley Crusher character in those early years, but as smart nerdy boy, I was grateful to see his character and how he was treated by the Geordi, Data and others. Gave me hope
Decades later, introducing my kids to TNG has been one of my greatest pleasures in life. They know and love the characters as I do.
Hard to believe she does this and that
Greetings fellow stretcher
For the record, it’s a great clip from It’s Always Sunny … featuring some Phillies baseball players from yesteryear
Mike Schmidt? Phillies HoF 3b, 3x MVP?
We just got our first one. Please share your best recipes !
I tried it twice and succeeded the second time.
That’s how you know it’s not real
deleted by creator
The Bear is very very good
I still haven’t recovered from a certain Season 2 episode
I recall the saying the Viet Nam fought the US for 10 years, France for 100 years and china for 1,000 years.
Makes sense they’d make up with us first
High King Margot is a great answer
For me, I thought of Linda Carter’s Wonder Woman and then Captain Rachel Garrett, commander of the USS Enterprise, 1701-C