Extremely obvious troll post
Extremely obvious troll post
Multiple employees beat up a gay man after he had some PDA with his partner. No matter how you look at it the optics are horrible. Short of Mr. Dingus having a weapon or shouting slurs or something like that: there’s no justification for the employees to beat and attack him.
I feel like you’re jumping through several hoops to put the blame back on the person who was beaten by multiple people.
And then one of the men, pretty forcefully, like, pushed me out of the way on my shoulder,” Dingus said. “And then, you know, next thing I know, that kind of just, I think, sparked the rest of them. … They all just kind of started attacking me at that point, dragging me back through the floor and continuously punching me in my head.”
They essentially gang assaulted Mr. Dingus, and you believe it’s only because of some PDA? I highly doubt it, and believe fully that this is a case of homophobia. And almost certainly a hate crime too.
I’m from the US, and I can tell you the biggest threat to the US are billionaires and their special interests.
Someone of the billionaire class like Taylor Swift does more environmental damage in a year than the average US citizen does through their entire lifetime. It is completely valid to call her out on this.
But please, continue to disingenuously call all those critical of Swift a right wing troll. Always easier than acknowledging the nuance of a topic.
I appreciate the reply. I feel like a lot of people in this thread are failing to articulate themselves properly. Though there are clearly some commenters that have (very) misogynistic views that need to be checked.
*By simply hating a billionaire.
Some of the criticism levied against Taylor Swift is definitely rooted in sexism, misogyny, and political bias: but not all of it.
To lump everyone criticizing Taylor Swift into the same group as the misogynists and sexists is disingenuous. She deserves criticism and is not free of it just because she’s a woman.
She’s also one of the most famous people in the world. So of course she’s going to get more flack from her visibility alone.
Thus the following can be true: Taylor Swift isn’t the only one that deserves criticism from her private jet usage. And there are those that would criticize her in bad faith because of her political alignments/because she’s a woman. But even then the criticism she has received is still completely valid.
No billionaire deserves or needs special treatment.
You’re praising someone’s dog getting killed illegally lol. I’d pity your family, but I’m sure they already distanced themselves from the disappointment that is you. Try not to lick any more boots today dipshit lmao
Man you’re completely fucked in the head. Enjoy being a bootlicking dipshit I guess.
You made stuff up to justify police illegally detaining people and killing a dog; and I’m mentally unwell lmao. Bootlicker projection at its finest
You made up fiction to justify your own bootlicking tendencies, and they called you out on it. No one here thinks the person you’re responding to is an idiot.
We are convinced you’re a fucking moron though.
I’ll agree to that partially. Unless the proposal actually passes it’s just the shitty legislating of another shitty government official.
I just wanted to point out the Russian States’ history with women’s rights; because it’s not like these people gain power in a vacuum.
People who haven’t read the article aside: I do not believe the Russian State member has women’s best interest in mind with this proposal.
I imagine you’re talking about this and every single member of “Mom’s for Liberty” absolutely deserves it.
Gender is irrelevant, it’s more the being an absolute shit stain on humanity by being bigoted and wanting to ban books part.
For full context, there was an event where several YouTubers/Online personalities met the pope. I couldn’t say the specific reason for doing so, but during their visit each of the groups presented a gift. In MatPats case he gave the Pope a copy of Undertale.
Then a lot of people started to clown on MatPat for giving the Pope a copy of Undertale. He made a response defending his gift choice, and honestly it wasn’t that weird of a gift. It’s just funny to me personally because the situation is so low stakes but became a meme because of MatPat’s response.
Everybody repeat after me: Thank you MatPat
Ok, so you’re not going to address my points. Gotcha.
Yes, I was being hyperbolic. Ya’know, to point out that the destruction of US political parties have happened multiple times prior: even to the main two political parties. Would you like to talk on any of my actual points?
That’s all very convenient rhetoric for you I’m sure, but you also fail to take into account that parties die off all the time. It wasn’t always Democrats vs Republicans, there is a rich history of political parties in America.
I don’t see how wishing for the destruction of Democrats is any different then those who wished to see the destruction of the Whig party towards the end of its days. They see an inferior political party and wish to see is destroyed and born again anew.
I don’t see what shutting down that conversation does short of keeping the status quo. The same status quo that the far right is abusing in the US to enact their racist/transphobic/homophobic/bigoted bullshit.
Too bad Isreal doesn’t care, and will almost certainly indiscriminately bomb them anyways.