Gay | 30s | Trekkie | Canadian

Note: I only post memes I have saved, I don’t make them.

  • 231 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2023


  • Politics is banned from c/

    And speaking as a mod, report things. The vast majority of things I’ve dealt with as a mod were ones I saw myself or things friends sent on discord. People need to utilize the report function more often if they want moderation on things. We’re not psychic.

    As for being more stringent on the not being a dick rule, no. There’s a base level of civility we expect but if we start getting super stringent on what constitutes being a dick, that’s imposing moderator will on community and its what most of us left reddit to get away from.

    Lastly, it’s the Internet. Assholes exist everywhere. You are not going to escape it, ever, if you’re using public servers. It’s pretty much required to accept that fact just to use the Internet. Moderators do not exist to prune and preen social media to make it more comfortable for people. We remind people to follow the rules and act upon those who do not. If you’re not breaking the rules then we’re not going to “interact” because we have our own lives and our own posts we are interested in.

  • Stamets@lemmy.worldOPtoRisa@startrek.websiteCope
    10 months ago

    No. Honestly, I’m not but it is whatever. Think I’m gonna take a break from Lemmy for a couple days.

    Have talked about how I lost my best friend a couple weeks ago over on Mastodon. Before finding that place, he was the only other person in my life who was a Trek fan and who liked Discovery. Moreover, he was positive. He had opinions of stuff he didn’t like but he focused on the positive. We both liked each other for that reason. In a world with so much negativity and hatred and bitterness, it was nice to be able to enjoy something together. However we both did shy away a lot from the Trek communities because of the often toxicity that brews against newer Treks. If we were online and encountered it, we’d go to one another. Talk about how silly other people were. How they claimed to be huge fans of Star Trek but often neglected the lessons of the show and wanted to be angry all the time. Couldn’t enjoy things for what they were and they certainly couldn’t let other people enjoy them.

    He’s dead now and can’t say or do anything. They can. They’re still around.

    I’m finding it really hard to deal with a lot of people online without him. So much negativity and it’s like the port that you’d shelter the storm in is suddenly gone. Just being tossed on the waves, drowning and being terrified and not having any light or anyone around.

    Yesterday was just… not a good day. Nothing specific. I was just having a rough day and acted like a fool. Then me and my idiot self decided to post this meme about NuTrek and for some stupid reason I hoped that it would be positive this one time. Just once.

    I’m tired of having rogue waves fling this vessel with reckless abandon.

    I’m tired of feeling hopeless.

    I’m tired of the reminders that he’s gone.

    Tired of sitting here like a fucking idiot and crying over fucking internet comments because I’m too emotionally unstable to cope with anything. It’s the internet. People are always going to fucking suck. I shouldn’t have expected otherwise and I shouldn’t have posted this thinking anything else would happen. Also certainly shouldn’t have done it when my only crutch is gone.

    It’s whatever. It’s my fault. I’m just being stupid. Sorry for whining and i’ll be back in a few days.

  • Stamets@lemmy.worldOPtoRisa@startrek.websiteCope
    10 months ago
    1. It’s DSC. Not STD. Calling it STD has never made sense and is just a flagrant insult to the show. No other shows acronym starts with ST. Stop being so disrespectful. You can share your opinion without mocking stuff, especially given the description.

    2. No it is not objectively garbage, that is your opinion.

    3. “Please be chill and positive.” “No.”

  • Stamets@lemmy.worldOPtoRisa@startrek.websiteCope
    10 months ago

    And there’s plenty to like as well. But once again, thanks for looking at this posts description about positivity and flagrantly ignore it to give throwaway negative comments. You did the same thing over on another post earlier of someone saying they like Discovery. I’m so tired of this hatefilled focus on Discovery. So many people here are able to share their opinions about not liking Discovery respectfully and without randomly throwing it in everyones faces. Why do people like you have to always double down and drill in that hatred everytime it’s even mentioned? You’re just… exhausting.

  • Stamets@lemmy.worldOPtoRisa@startrek.websiteCope
    10 months ago

    Star Trek directed by someone who doesn’t like Star Trek. There were a lot of people on those movies who really loved Star Trek and it showed through. They’re not the best, that’s for sure, but I still like them for what they are. However I will say that Beyond is definitely my favorite. Might have something to do with JJ not directing it at all and it feeling like an interesting mix of a TOS episode and Kelvin timeline action/adventure.

    Also Idris Elba.