Yes, thank you! I’ll need to bookmark that site.
Yes, thank you! I’ll need to bookmark that site.
Oh yes, let me just move to another country so easily.
Got a link without a paywall?
How did someone die of sciatica?
I thought consumption was tuberculosis?
Well, they were warned repeatedly. Bring on the spikes!
Real seals. Socal has a lot of them.
It likely is the animals. San Diego has a lot of seals on their coast.
Oh, don’t mistake. They’ll still have to go into an office, they’ll just be driving the cars remotely, most likely.
Fibro gang rise up… Slowly
It was just plain virtue signaling. This comment you made isn’t quite as plain, but it still isn’t helpful.
The difference is, in the first comment you just left it as, “not allowed here”, which is just signaling your virtue, and more importantly, not correcting or helping in any way. I implore you to explain why someone’s verbiage is wrong, not just shut people down with no explanation. Even in this comment, you didn’t offer an alternative for “biological male”, so the person you originally addressed likely will write you off, and keep saying it.
Your approach is just ineffective.
Educate, don’t berate.
It’s entirely relevant to the conversation. She couldn’t get pregnant, so she didn’t give a shit that women’s reproductive rights were on the table until the leopard ate her face personally. I’m as left as they come, but the virtue signaling you just did is why so many people get so turned off by so much rhetoric of our political side.
I just hope that when that happens, people don’t burn the cities. The cities did not vote for this.
The small towns, and the farmers did. I hope people remember that.
Most sociable Linux user.
Tbf, anyone listening to Joe Rogan is stupid.
Doesn’t help that so many of them are trying to cozy up to MAGA.
Another, spicier version of this same meme:
“One of Trump’s campaign promises…”
Lol, lmao even.
FWIW, my girlfriend’s friend’s husband was cheating on her, and she reported it to the military. He also was threatening to kill himself, and hurt her, which was also reported. Nothing came of the reports to my knowledge. In fact, she was told there had to be full sexual contact (a la penis in vagina) to warrant cheating.