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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • You may not be from the US, so I will forgive your ignorance on how politics work here.

    Long story short, whether you or I like it or not, it will most likely be Trump vs. Biden.

    Here in the US, we citizens have severely limited power in suggesting who the political parties run for national elections.

    What this all boils down to is that I get to choose between Trump or Biden. I could choose not to vote, but then my voice is heard even less.

    I should choose to protest and demand better action by my policy makers and representatives. But I already do that, and I made that very clear to you.

    So again, what do you suggest? I’m over here actively trying to cause change for the better, and all you have to say is “Haha typical, won’t do anything”. Are you just trolling?

  • Then your assumptions are incorrect.

    I would prefer not to re-elect Biden. I however am not in control of the Democratic Party, and so the best I can do is vote in elections leading up to the national election. When the day comes next year for a national election, it will be Biden VS. Whomever the republicans pick. Those are my two choices, whether I like it or not.

    I am already politically active in demanding Biden be held accountable. I am still active in demanding Bush be held accountable for war crimes. I will still remain active in the future to ensure Biden answers for them as well.

    As a law abiding citizen, I am protesting and voting. So do you suggest I commit violence instead? That is the only next step, seeing as I am not in control of who the Democrat party elects.

  • You’re making an illogical jump. I’m not saying that to be mean, I mean literally the logic does not work backwards that way.

    It is inclusive to allow the reader their own perspective and leave it up to personal interpretation. That does not equal the logic of “drawing genders means it is not inclusive.”

    It’s a false equivalency that nobody brought up until you decided to stir up some emotions by applying broken logic :)