cries in neighbors having their gas sealed off
cries in neighbors having their gas sealed off
SSL (or TLS nowadays) not only protects against surveillance but also guarantees the integrity of the data you send and receive. Without it, someone could spoof the response you receive. In practice this means injecting ads or malware or even worse: fake shakespeare!
Gonna go for a renegade run across all three just to see what happens lol
I told myself the same once but I just couldn’t do it. 😭
Baldur’s Gate 3 is my main game currently after taking a break from it for a while. If I just need something where I don’t have to think too much I boot up Risk of Rain Returns.
Also been in a kind of MMO mood recently so I tried out Neverwinter, World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV, but found myself not really having fun with those.
This is Lemmy Shitpost, not Sensible Discussion 😆
Personally I’ve been happy with the Nokia branded phones (manufactured by HMD Global).
What’s the legal basis around this project? One can’t just hop on as a DJ and start broadcasting the newest Taylor Swift songs without getting DMCA’d, can they?
I played through NFS Heat which was more enjoyable than I had expected especially since I got it during the hefty 90% off sale recently.
Now I got a bit nostalgic and installed divine divinity again.
My experience with modding games while using Proton on Linux (without Workshop support): It’s atrocious, cumbersome and even outright does not work for some games because communities tend to build a Mod Manager (that then other mods start to hard depend on) that does not work in that environment at all. I’m at the point where I don’t even bother trying it out if there’s not workshop support.
Where there’s a through, the pigs will come.
The Oracle games are amazing, Oracle of Ages pulled young me into the Zelda series.
I’m currently switching between Armored Core 6, X4 Foundation and Baldur’s Gate 3, depending on my mood.
Once again the right wing proves that it doesn’t actually care about the common people but rather their own and the rich people’s profits.
Armored Core 6, first time I’m playing a game of the series and it’s kicking my ass! But it’s fun and has a really great atmosphere and setting.
Looking at his recent posts it looks like he didn’t buy it to make money but to increase his influence. Just recently he promoted a post that calls to vote for the farright party in Germany for example.
Interestingly I’ve found Syncthing far far easier to setup than Nextcloud :D
Edge appears and becomes your default browser.
I have to use Edge at work and after a recent update it disabled the adblocking extension I used because “it might have been tampered with”. It also offered a nice Repair button which…uninstalled the extension completely.
Edge is hostile to its users and should never ever be used.
Russia has time and time again shown to be an unreliable partner. Any country still depending on them should think hard about still trusting them.
I tried NixOS in a VM with 2GB memory and the package manager OOM’d when searching for a package…stayed with Tumbleweed on my metal.
You can see the alternative in Germany. A considerable amount of tax money has to go into the pension fund just to keep it alive. It’s the biggest part of our budget!