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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • How about no. Look up on wikipedia what countries have ruled fictional CP is legal, but CSAM with actual children is as illegal as here. Then check the level of technological development, financial development and political stability of them. Not seeing a pattern? Then check the number of sexual assaults in those countries compared to countries of similar development levels. Now check the number of sexual assaults across ALL ages and genders in countries where all pornography is illegal.

    Now, I’m not going to make any absolute claims. All I know is that actual psychologists have spoken out about the line between harmless (as in, would never consider harming a child) pedophiles and people who would be rapists even if they weren’t sexualizing kids, and 15 year olds have spent time in a prison for age-of-majority sexual offenders because some asshole pedo creep with hacking skills used the teenage boy’s computer as remote storage for CSAM material and the teen was arrested for someone else’s crime.

    I get why this is a controversial topic. I hate people who harm kids too. Just realize that laws meant to “protect kids” can end up harming kids (not to mention adults who are not guilty of crimes) or even fail to recognize that people hurting kids goes way beyond pedophile sickos and non-sexual violence against kids has itself become a serious problem yet is not being acknowledged.

    The laws as they are need to start taking a more generalist view of this, because when pastors can get away with this disgusting behavior and judges can send a completely innocent 10 year old to juvie for a $500 kickback and not even flinch when the boy commits suicide, or a judge even sending an autistic boy who killed someone to the death penalty instead of accepting the insanity plea?

    It says we (adults in general) don’t really care about children, only looking like we do.

  • Gadg8eer@lemmy.caBtoMemes@lemmy.mlHow about that?
    1 year ago

    You know those horror stories about kids being tricked or kidnapped and put in some twisted social experiment? That actually happened. Normally I’d say fuck the rich but in this case it would be in more than just bad taste; in the southern states there was a “school” where rich families were “sending” their kids to. Why? Some were spoiled brats that were making their family name look bad to their rich parents’ rich friends, others were “too soft” and the bastard and bitch who raised them wanted to “toughen them up”.

    The place was straight out of something like those edgy novels that teenagers read but, well, real. There was emotional and social manipulation up to and including gas lighting, they drugged the kids to keep them from escaping, and yes, there was rape. If the place had been discovered recently rather than being shut down years ago, I would be demanding some level of legal autonomy for children because it’s gotten to the point where kids can’t trust anyone to protect them from forced confinement and cruelty.

    I would know, I was illegally taken from my family at age 10 by government officials and it took my parents two years of fighting in court to get me back. There’s a difference between grounding a kid or preventing them from going to a cherished event because they screwed up, and being cruel because you can get away with it or being homophobic towards someone who depends on you for survival.

  • Gadg8eer@lemmy.caBtoMemes@lemmy.mlI'm looking for recipes
    1 year ago

    As much as I am sick of vegans being high and mighty and demanding we not eat meat when not eating meat has been scientifically proven to reduce your health due to protein starvation

    I want to cuddle a cow. We shouldn’t have to eat meat, but we do have to because we evolved to require it over 12k years ago and nature is cruel like that. At the very least ungulate livestock deserve the recognition of being alive and having feelings, even if consuming flesh is inevitable.

    Also I will never eat veal or lamb. Seriously, don’t tear a calf from it’s mother if you’re hungry.

  • Gadg8eer@lemmy.caBtoMemes@lemmy.mlI'm looking for recipes
    1 year ago

    Depends. Growing children will literally starve to death without protein, especially between weaning and early childhood. If you do sports, protein can be absolutely critical.

    Also, as cute as animals are, don’t kid yourselves; if we don’t eat that cow, another omnivore or a carnivore will. Sadly nature knows that innocent baby animals (including human babies) are squishy, soft and delicious, and wild predatory animals do not hesitate to eat the weak despite how horrifying we find it.

    The reason I say so is, well, just in case you get a pet and need to know it’s diet. A rabbit is alright with eating just leaves and fruit, while dogs, cats and ferrets are obligate carnivores and at least need meat-derived pet kibble in their diet to live.

  • Sounds awesome, actually. Like the jack-in cables for PETs in MegaMan Battle Network finally coming into existence. That I can see maybe requiring regulation to a degree, because its functional and potentially dysfunctional.

    I meant that your sarcasm about mandating colors is absolutely right, there’s a certain point where you’re not regulating corporate greed but removing freedom of speech. Art and money are strange bedfellows but expression of self is more likely to win against a pointless moneymaking machine than an ideology of conformist nationalism.

    Like over the ear headphones

    I think they make USB-C over the ear headphones. Admittedly I’ve used bluetooth since before iPhones had it built-in so I’m clueless about wired over-ear USB-C headphones specifically.

  • That, or the opposite. The only kind of good person I can see doing surgery is someone who is otherwise well-adjusted but has experienced a tragedy in childhood that led to a guilt complex.

    I hate to say it but it’s horrible with psychiatry too. There are too many people who take jobs they don’t want in psychiatry here because it pays well but the government health care system assigns your posting. Calling Dr. Richard McGee of Castlegar, BC, you’re a fucking bastard who has ruined lives and broken the hypocratic oath! Oh, and don’t even get me started on Ponokah, Alberta’s Centennial Hospital’s Psyche Ward, that place is guilty of unlawful confinent.