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Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • 32nd Century Historians: “Doctor Bashir was good friends with a Cardassian tailor named Garak. Though both men would occasionally take a romantic partner, their friendship was the most enduring relationship in both men’s lives.

    ”Doctor Bashir and mister Garak’s friendship was characterized by frequent lunch engagements, discussions of classic literature, and long sessions together in the holosuites.

    ”Eventually the two men retired together to a small pleasure planet that catered primarily to males. Mister Garak ramped down his tailoring to work exclusively with leather, and the pair raised prize winning voles.

    ”After Garak passed away in his sleep, Doctor Bashir is said to have become distraught. He refused to leave mister Garak’s gravesite, and died himself only three weeks later.”

  • Because that’s what the artist decided to draw. Maybe Kira has it for someone she knows who identifies as a lesbian. Maybe she was just getting into the spirit of things and grabbed the first flag she saw.

    Obviously in canon Kira only expresses interest in dudes with the personalities of dry toast, but mirror Kira is a bit more open. It’s not entirely clear if sexual orientation is 1:1 across universes, so who’s to say if prime Kira experiences same sex attraction or not?

  • One of the Bajorans serving on Voyager wore an earring. Gerron, the young former Maquis that was part of Tuvok’s boot camp in “Learning Curve” had to give up his.

    There’s also Tabor from “Nothing Human”, and Tal Celes from “The Good Shepard”, neither of whom wore the earring on screen in the four total episodes they appeared in. Tal also had her given name before her family name, which is not the Bajoran tradition.

    Even Seska didn’t wear the earring when she was still undercover as a Bajoran, and likely could have gotten away with it thanks to her closeness to Chakotay.

  • In Discovery, instead of honorable warriors, the klingons are a bunch of sneaky backstabbing and coward warriors.

    Like they are in TOS?

    They also don’t look like klingons at all

    Are you similarly upset by the change in appearance the occurred between TOS and TMP?

    and architecture

    Architecture? I don’t know, the House Mo’Kai fortress we see in season two doesn’t seem all that out of place. The rounded towers of the capital city seen in ENT is a greater divergence than anything we see in Disco. But that’s also fine, because architectural styles change over time.

    the speak like their mouth is full of potatoes

    And apparently, according to experts in the language, that’s the best Klingon has ever sounded on screen. Not really sure how that qualifies as a lore thing, though.

    they make ships out of coffins.

    One ship. The home of a cult leader.

  • Lorca’s not the only one who uses it in Disco, though. It actually happens relatively frequently in the first two season. Obviously for seasons three and four things have changed and it’s no longer an issue.

    Hell, in SNW while Kirk is on the Enterprise in “Subspace Rhapsody” he prepares some samples collected outside the ship to be beamed to engineering and thinks nothing of that instance of intra-ship beaming. I guess he forgot that whole event where people broke out into song by the time he was mid-way through his own five year mission.