Username checks out
Would recommend, its way better than before.
And for those who dont install GApps…?
Still neat I guess.
Oh thanks. My mom buys that and I never understood what is was 😂
I want that background image as a wallpaper lol
Darn, i had the same idea 😂
Came for this. Thanks stranger.
Someone on that page commented:
“It was always open source. They just bought the company who created* and maintained, it, moved the devs over to their own fork and closed down the original, graciously allowing the wine team to maintain their own fork of the old code, as if they needed a permission, lol. It’s a good PR move (also for Wine, mind you) but nothing else.”
I had an account there with a proton email address and suddenly I couldn’t log in anymore. After 6 months of calling, someone finally told me proton emails are blocked because they are not secure. So I changes it to a tutanota email
What a clusterf**k
How much does a vaccine usualy cost down there?
My nose is bleeding 😪
But aPpLe CaRe AbOuT pRiVaCy