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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • They as good as ended his career with that. You don’t think every sailor hasn’t already heard or will hear at his next command that he is so ignorant he can’t even fire a rifle right? If he’s that incompetent they shouldn’t have let it get so far that he got a command in the first place. He’s either so incompetent that he can’t do basic sailors tasks OR they made up a reason to fire a sailor who made a non critical mistake. Do we publicize IN PRINT when an army infantry NCO has a negligent discharge at clearing barrel? Maybe locally, but it doesn’t mean he is completely unfit to lead men to war.

  • Yep, and I agree an 11b or equivalent who doesn’t know his ass from the front of the sight isn’t fit for duty, but this guy is a naval officer and was probably just stoked to look cooler than normal, and someone could have just as easily been playing a joke on him to see if he would notice. We play pranks on people all the time asking for PRC-E7, or grid squares, or blinker fluid.

    I doubt it’s true it’s the reason he was relieved of command, but to even think it was a last straw is crazy because if he was really that bad of a leader they wouldn’t need to use something as trivial like just a funny picture to some among the gun owner’s who know what they are even looking at.

  • Nothing happened, and nothing could have happened other than him missing a practice target by a mile. It doesn’t even show him aiming at something in particular, just looking down the barrel. Ammo can kill you, not having a working optic is not a safety issue no matter what direction it’s installed. Did he check the chamber to see if there was a round? Did he flag any other sailors? Did he keep his weapon pointed down range? Every single person around him let him shoot the weapon like that, they obviously didn’t feel too unsafe to be around him. None of them even seemed to noticed it was on backwards either. How can you tell it’s backwards from this picture of him?

  • Is anyone replying in this thread a US military armorer? I’d love to know who gave him the weapon with the sight installed backwards. I was never allowed to touch an installed optic other than to sight it in. I was never in the US Navy, but in all my training I never got a class on anything but an iron sight for the M16, M4, and M9. How would someone who isn’t a master at arms and probably qualifies on a weapon once, maybe twice a year going to know that someone else installed the sight on his weapon backwards? You don’t even know that it was his issued weapon and not someone else’s who also shot with it backwards.

  • “Most of us were like ‘holy cow,’” said Beverly Cuyler, a long-time Boebert supporter. “And one of the big reasons for that is a gap between how she presented herself as a Christian and what ended up happening.”

    Oh, now you’re clutching your pearls?

    It’s an unusual tone for Boebert. The congresswoman’s unapologetic, Trumpian style had propelled her to MAGA stardom nationwide; now, she’s fighting for political survival at home.

    If I remember correctly it was the leader of the MAGA party that said something to the effect of grab 'em by the pussy. I’d bet a tRump buck that she voted for the literal embodiment of the anti Christ from the bible.

  • That happens all the time. I went through several government contracts where a company would come and under bid the current contract by a significant amount, win the bid, offer the current contractors 3/4 of what they were being paid and fill in the rest with new hires. There is no continuity between contracts so unless a bunch of the old contractors took a pay cut to stay on they would come in and start from scratch with all new processes and procedures and absolutely slow down productivity for all those they were supposed to be providing support.

  • I can deny that. Please enlighten me on exactly how the Democrats could have played this differently. They aren’t the ones who changed the requirements to let ONE person decide the speaker wasn’t doing their job. They aren’t the ones who used the rule to oust the speaker, they voted exactly the same in the record number of speaker votes for one term that I sure hope won’t be broken. They aren’t even the ones who said they wouldn’t compromise.

    ETA: McCarthy accepted the rule for one person to be able to oust him AFTER several votes showing the Democrats were voting en bloc, so he knew from the get go that as soon as one of those freedumb turds got upset his job was lost. Was he banking on Democrats support even though he could clearly see there was no way he would make it through the entire term as speaker.

  • Funny how you see that as the Dems siding with the freedumb caucus and not McCarthy doing absolutely nothing to work with the Dems as well as going back on the deal he made? McCarthy and the Republicans are the ones driving the saddest, unfunny clown car into it’s own REPUBLICAN LED blockade.

    I agree with you that all the other stuff will happen though. The more being the American people suffering from gun violence at bowling alleys, natural disasters turning from a stiff breeze and a drizzle to a monstrous storm overnight, and veterans who can’t get access to healthcare because Republicans seem to dislike providing for the ones they sent to fight a war for oil.

    We have gone from bad to worse, but you should really blame the right people. Neither side is good, but at least the Dems are willing to come to the table and make a deal.