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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I think a better analogy would be that someone wrote an article about how cigarettes cause cancer but a random commentator complains that they don’t talk about radon.

    Does radon cause lung cancer? Yes. Is that what the article is talking about? No.

    Was I being an inflammatory asshole in my first comment? Yeah, sorry. I’m argumentative today. I try to not be but sometimes I can’t help it; I’m working on it though.

  • This article is specifically talking about how Republicans went from Regan -> Trump and you’re over here going WhAT abOuT tHE dEMoCrAtS?

    Besides, the interview specifically talks about how Regan buttfucked the left at the end of the cold war and that they had nothing to offer the public in return, and how they utterly failed to provide a meaningful alternative.

    Neolibs are scum, but that’s not the point of this article.

    Dems started trying to compromise with Republicans on fiscal policy which drove republicans further right to differentiate.

    “Waaaaaaaa the evil democrats forced us to be Nazis with their wicked compromise ideology! Don’t you see this is all their fault!”

  • Fr this is a great idea (National Service, but not necessarily military service). We could train carpenters and electricians, repair people, maintenance and construction jobs. We could train medical assistants and dental hygienists’, vet techs, and build houses (high density housing located in an area with good public transit, of course), and railways, and so much more with our tax dollars.

    And yes, a strong defense is important, so military service would count too. Like it or not lots of people across the world rely on American defense, and its wrong to betray those allies and obligations like Obama did when he let Russia take Crimea.

    And the best part is (in my version of events) all those people who performed national service would qualify for TriCare and the GI Bill, so we don’t even need new programs. It won’t be easy, of course, but it gives our youth skills in higher education and trades, helps alleviate the housing crisis, improves American infrastructure, and invests in our future.

    I’d also like to see some sort of UBI after the service ends to catch anyone who still struggles after but I expect that’d be relatively rare.

  • Either Trump wins, which will destabilize America and lead to the collapse of society


    Trump loses and the Republicans continue pushing more and more extreme candidates. I know everyone here loves to circle jerk themselves about how all the Republicans will just die out and I think that’s really near-sighted. Lots of young people increasingly support Trump. I’m around Gen z a lot and not all of them are democrats.


    Russia, feeling the pressure of an endless war, colludes with China, India, and the Arabs to wage all out war against America. Alone, none of them stand a chance against the US Military. But together, maybe they figure they have a chance. There’s a lot of deep seeded anti-american resentment out in the world. A lot of politicians are tired of the American hegemony, and they have lots of support.

    I just don’t see a scenario where Trump loses, the Republicans give up trying to institute a theocracy, and Putin says “ok I guess this is enough war, we’ll go home”.

    And I haven’t even mentioned what would happen to global markets if Russia collapsed and countries started coalescing out of the rubble.

    Or of the Israeli-Hamas genocide.

    Or of unstoppable climate change.

    Or of the pandemics that are sweeping the world.

    Global hunger is on the rise again.

    Make no mistake, this is the end of a chapter in human history. I’m not religious; I don’t believe this is the end of days or anything like that. I think humans will survive and will continue to build new and great things. But I think a shitload of people are going to die first.

  • I’m convinced we’re at the end of this age - think Wheel of Time. The current civilization has run it’s course and is about to collapse like it has done countless times before. Trump wins and America turns into the next autocracy. Or Trump loses and the conservatives keep working towards their goals next term, with or without Trump.

    And either way, World War 3 is just around the corner. Tensions are high all over the world and Russia won’t stop provocating wars. This is the same kind of build up we saw in WW1 all over again, except this time we have nuclear weapons at play.

    All we can do is try to survive, and hope that when we are reborn this will have all blown over.

  • I want to like logseq but I’ve been using it for a few days and I just don’t get it.

    I get dumping all your shit in the journals and linking it all; I like that and it’s all well and good. But then what? I have to search for shit every time I want to find something? Gross. If I want to look at all my recipes or whatever I have to build a query? No thank you.

    It’s the data retrieval piece I’m hung up on, and weirdly no one ever talks about that. Everyone only ever talks about inputting data.