don’t cross the streams
don’t cross the streams
you have 9 seconds to -funroll-loops the fuck out of my house!
can I take systemd with me?
The walls were too loud!
Flame the dark true salt!
rm deletes files the normal way everyone who actually knows unix expects it
trash-cli tries to bring the comfort of windows to linux for the crybabies who like to delete files so recklessly that they end up screwing themselves later. (the same people who don’t ever take backups or snapshots)
Straight to advanced Linux. Rip the bandaid off now. It’s only going to hurt more later.
you guys have to read the instructions for Arch?
I mean I touch on them sometimes to see what has been replaced or changed because linux moves pretty fast but the steps are not complicated or hard to remember.
it doesn’t stop at 52 weeks, but yes.
what documentation? where?
Get ready for your boss to ramp up your stress levels to help you with your disability. 🤮
you guys make it to the end of the day? :/