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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • Here’s what would happen in capitalist America: entities would own those machines and use them as a means of personal enrichment, it’d displace a ton of human workers, the taxes generated from profits generated wouldn’t offset the economic impacts, and then half of the lawmakers would introduce bills that would provide lucrative incentives to those entities if they maintain a certain ratio of human workers and they’d staple a bunch of regressive crap onto it like abortion or whatever, it wouldn’t pass because the other half of lawmakers would want to tax the hell out of profits made with those machines, government would shut down 4 times a year, Jeff Bezos builds a vacation home on the moon

  • Yup! This is one of many reasons why I’m thinking it’s right up at the top in terms of someone being so confident about something false.

    Towards the end of his expeditions there was growing suspicion that it wasn’t Asia at all, and if Columbus only entertained that notion and used the resources readily at his disposal (cartographers, people familiar with the flora and fauna of Asia), we’d probably wind up with North and South Columbia as continents. But instead we wound up with stuff like misindentifying and then misnaming the indigenous population, and it somehow stuck for half a millenia.

    It’s almost like buying a winning billion dollar Powerball ticket, glancing at the numbers on the TV, glancing at the ticket, seeing a couple matching numbers and thinking “it’s only a couple bucks, not even worth my time to redeem”, crumpling it up and tossing it on the ground only for the next person walking by to pick it up and realize what they’re holding. He had it right in his hands lol

  • I run to work in order to stick it to the auto industry. Unfortunately, that isn’t possible for most people because the auto industry has had so much money and influence for so long that they’ve made it practically impossible for many people to get around without the auto industry.

    That said, when we give a corporation or an industry money, they might use some of it to lobby in ways that harm us or the environment.

    I think one of the biggest things a consumer can do is push back against the current throwaway culture. DRM, right to repair, planned obsolecense- a fridge or a car shouldn’t be something someone uses for 7 years and discards, but lots of corporations are trying to normalize that. LG, Dyson, fuck those guys, go buy a Speed Queen or a refurbed Kirby if you need a washer or a vacuum. Give Dyson enough and maybe in 50 years vacuums will be a subscription. If you buy a bag of lettuce from Dole they’ll take some of that cash and lobby to be able to irrigate with cowshit-tainted water, and if you get E. Coli and die, the current understanding is that it’s your fault for not rinsing hard enough. Fuck Dole, they don’t deserve any more money from us than what we need to give them, a farmer’s market is a more worthy source.

    If consumers really got upset at some of the stuff some corporations were doing and made it a point of pride to give those corporations absolutely none of their business, it’d not be a lost cause. It’d add a sense of purpose and pride in the fight against destroying the environment, and probably lead to even more action. Gotta start somewhere

  • People are doing the damnedest to fight climate change but unfortunately they’re the wrong people. The average consumer is the problem. Buy a house in the burbs, buy shit just to replace perfectly good shit they’re gonna throw away, pay an 800 bucks on a glorified chair to sit in for a couple hours a day to get to work in order to pay off that glorified chair and all their shiny toys destined for landfills.

    Like, if there’s a fix it starts at the bottom, and if anyone’s sitting on their ass hoping someone will swoop in and undo the damage they’re causing they’re absolutely the problem.

    Corporations are responsible for the brunt of it. Starve the beast

  • Quora did something similar to that. On mobile it’ll pester you to download the app, and on the app it’ll pester you to download an AI app, in an attempt to keep people bouncing around between those 2 apps.

    Quora seems to suffer from the same issue as Reddit. AI can take a single page view and distribute the information obtained from that single page view multiple times, basically cut out the source in terms of monetization, and those 2 sites benefit the most from people using Google to find something. I think Quora’s approach is a bit more sensible than Reddit’s, basically jumping on the AI bandwagon as opposed to cutting off both AI and people using Google

  • I think in Reddit’s case, mostly due to the garbage search function, they’re stuck deciding between shooting themselves in the foot right now by blocking Google, or allowing generative AI to shoot them in the foot later by allowing Google to scrape user content. There will soon come a day when less people use Google to find specific information on Reddit and more people ask an AI prompt and get the same information fed to them without having to click through to Reddit.

    I think the most ideal way to coexist with AI is for Reddit to pull out of search engines and make their own search engine work well, but until then they’re in a pickle