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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I suspect the answer lies in the method by which people saw the question. Like, if you went up to people standing in line at a bank, or outside a concert or soemthing and pulled out a paper-based photograph and said “I saw this yesterday, what could it be?” you’d get the answers you were probably expecting. (As to the actual quesiton, yeah I dunno)

    But if you post contrails on a website and say something to the effect of look at these contrails, then all the contextual clues you’ve given so far are the same that have been used by a lot of Qanon and other batshit crazy people who recently decided a demented orange rapist was equivalent to Jesus for them. I’m just saying it’s a totally different context from what you were probably intending.

    That’s my guess as to “why” people saw it through a lens of “politics”. Less about actual scientific content, more about media theory.

  • Because of the electoral college. That forces a two-party system. Which is why we’re in this terrible situation.

    It also does nothing to stop a progressive from running as a democrat.

    Stunt candidates like Jill Stein are grifters who do not give a single solitary fuck about the state of the world, and anyone considering a candidate like that is also extremely unlikely to run themselves.

    I have friends who voted for Nader. They thought they were making a statement too. Then we got into Iraq II and they were very upset by it. We also got John “fuck voting righs” Roberts and Samuel “bitches be hoes” Alito out of the deal. Don’t be stupid.

    Watching a bunch of tiktok gronks give their brilliant hot takes on how they don’t have to vote for Biden is like watching a drunken fratboy who’s holding everyone’s phones dancing on a cliff rim because someone told them not to. Stupid fuck. It doesn’t work like that.