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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • The majority of people who support and parrot shit like this aren’t even doing it because they think it’s somehow good for the country, they just think it’s something that needs to be fixed because some ignorant piece of shit on FOX News or the like told them it was bad, and we should all be mad about it.

    I can’t imagine being so fucking bored and miserable with my life, that the sheer THOUGHT of someone else being happy and comfortable… or even just not sad and miserable in their own life, that I’d feel obligated to dedicate what precious time I have on this earth to ruining everything for everyone.

    I agree with you - Ted Cruz is an absolute piece of shit, but the people who feel driven to support these types of policies and bills etc. are truly vile human beings.

  • I don’t know… have you ever seen those massive pile ups on highways during winter? Doesn’t even have to be a lot of snow. In my experience, people generally don’t know how to properly drive when conditions are perfect, let alone when conditions are harsh. Unfortunately, it leads to a lot of unnecessary deaths.

    It isn’t even idiocy, just a lack of understanding how to properly handle a vehicle, making sure you have the proper equipment (snow tires vs summer), the equipment is maintained, etc.

    I always hate feeling like “that guy” whenever I have to explain that AWD is not a safety feature, but a performance feature. AWD isn’t going to do dick if you’re riding on summer tires, driving 10mph over the speed limit while visibility is trash, you’re up the ass of the person in front of you, and snow’s coming down. It also isn’t going to help if you don’t know how to make corrections or if you hit a patch of ice.

    I’m from the north east, so I can’t speak to what people are like with hurricanes in Florida, but it’s frustrating how many people up here don’t take driving in inclement weather seriously.