To comment on one of your points, something that gets lost when people learn about open source (at least most traditional licenses): nobody can change the license of something that was released so you have the option to fix it yourself or hire someone else to do it for you. While it’s incredibly powerful thing to have, many people only look at open source as “free (as in beer) stuff with free support”. Thing is, even if there’s no chance in earth you’ll fix it yourself, it’s likely someone out there who’s in the same situation will do it and make available for others. Key here is having popular and open enough hardware that people can replace or the software completely or keep its development (if open).
As open source printers go, you can always use the parts to convert it to a different printer but that requires tinkering. Perhaps this move will piss off enough some Bambu users that they’ll make the switch away from the “I just want something that works” mindset into tinkers.
I wish. Actually I’ve seen some bitching turning the drop in democratic votes as “clear evidence” of 2020 cheating. That and conspiracy theories because Biden has been incredibly sharper after the debate (as in it was a conspiracy to take him out). It’s hard to fight to not live in a bubble but holy crap the trumpettes and russian bots are very annoying.
Something some thinkpad users value a lot is the trackpoint. I’m seriously considering breaking a 4 thinkpad (3 X2x0, one X1 carbon) spree with a 13" framework but not having trackpoint is a big issue for me. I’m using the fact my X1 is still fast enough for my use to wait and hope for framework to get a trackpoint. There’re more people in the same boat in framework’s forums.
Except that if they pull this off, guess who also will be able to run? Obama.