• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Nukes and ICBMs are extremely complex devices. They also require extremely specialist servi e work to remain functional. Even worse, the only people who can actually check that work are the ones doing it.

    Russia hasn’t detonated a nuke in decades. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of their arsenal are now duds. The money embezzled, while boxes were ticked. Similarly, I wouldn’t be surprised if many of their ICBMs just wouldn’t launch.

    Russia’s nuclear capabilities are likely a paper tiger, and Putin likely knows this. Until they try and use them, they are scary. If they try and they fail, they are in a VERY bad situation.

    Putin is many things, but he’s not stupid. It would take a LOT more pressure from nato for him to even consider using nukes.

  • Given the mention of NHS on the sign, this is focused on the UK.

    Step 1. Note down the various reasons you think you might have adhd. Also include times that it has actively had a negative effect.

    Step 2. Make a GP appointment.

    Step 3. At your appointment, explain that you would like a referral for a mental health assessment, since you believe you have adhd. The note previously can either act as a prompt for yourself or just give them to the doctor. They were mostly to crystalise your thoughts and stop you going blank at the appointment.

    Congratulations, you are now on the (very slow) path to a diagnosis. There are methods to speed it up, but even if you just passively follow instructions, you should get there.

    Different countries will have slightly different systems, but the broad approach should still work. For our American friends, you have our commiserations.

  • The message wouldn’t be to Putin directly. It would be to those both in his power base, or capable of disrupting it.

    The goal would be to push Russians to the point they deal with Putin internally, and/or put putin in a position where he needs to end the war to stabilise his own position. It’s all about making the right people feel the effects.

    Oh, and as a European, I think the risk is acceptable. If Putin struck at a NATO country, the results would likely be swift and short. The only unknown would be Russian nukes, and even those are far more of an unknown than most people think.

  • There’s a difference between fear and respect. A child should NEVER fear the adult providing their care.

    I would actually wager decent money that many of those little shits have been smacked around quite a lot. They learn to react how they were taught by demonstration. If mistakes are met with violence and aggression, then they learn to do the same to others.

    I know a teacher who (unofficially) specialises in kids like those. They are hell on a new teacher. However, once they realise that they are not met with aggression, the veneer cracks. The young scared child realises that there is an adult they both cares and shouldn’t be feared. Very soon, just the idea that they might disappoint her is a far better motivator than any punishment could be.