I know this topic has been beaten to death online and honestly discussion is pointless, but I’m convinced the Federation could beat the Empire solely based on these two things:
- Warp drive travels FTL through what Star Wars would call “realspace”; not only does this provide Federation starships extreme tactical maneuverability (Picard maneuver and the like), but if a starship warped away far enough, the Empire might struggle to pursue with hyperdrive.
- The Federation has transporters - I’m not sure imperial shield would be design to protect against e.g someone beaming a bomb (or in dire cases, the warp core) onto a Star Destroyer or whatever.
I’d say the major difficulties are 1) Starfleet has nothing like a tie fighter except runabouts, which aren’t (yet) designed for combat. 2) The Federation might try to negotiate while the Empire does some sort of secret operation.
No - so long as the Federation has transporters and warp drive (realspace FTL in Star Wars lingo), they can probably pull it off.
If they could beef up their runabouts, that might help too.