Bitcoin has outperformed stocks by about 100,000-fold. All you need is a fiver to invest at the beginning.
Bitcoin has outperformed stocks by about 100,000-fold. All you need is a fiver to invest at the beginning.
Not if the authors don’t offer it.
Which might mean there won’t be a purchase, but the copyright holders (authors) can make any terms they want, and offer those terms right along with the GPL license option.
It’s baffling why so many choose MIT instead of going this route.
Could you have OCD?
It counts like you have a cleanliness compulsion. Which isn’t a huge deal, but if it gets burdensome then you might want to speak with a psychiatrist about it.
So they can be sent to the front line in ten years? Putin had already screwed the pooch.
Nothing could make me consider Oracle for anything, ever.
Does this make them part of the criminal racketeering enterprise?
That would be glorious
GPL with a paid commercial option for companies that need closed source derivatives.
This is the equivalent of switching price tags so that your $100 LEGO set rings up as $1, and then saying “but we paid for it!”
Fuck the Trump crime family
The ideological cause is misogyny
It’s not personal: his victim did nothing to him: he hated her because she was a woman.
Replace “woman” with “black” and it becomes even more obvious and KKK like.
Gold medal answer
When you forgive, you set someone free. And that person is yourself.
You are too permissive. Throw these bastards in jail.
I do. Don’t get it at all.
It’s a good time to get all of your money off binance!
I you have to pay for it, but t’s amazing
Wait … was grayhound public before?
Well that’s impressive AF.
Your analysis is 100% correct, but utterly irrelevant to the point.
Every reader understood the meaning, and the loser named Trump doesn’t care either.
Trump doesn’t make jokes. Ever.