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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Hardly a stupid manages to become a bishop… it’s like saying a stupid becomes Senior Vice President of a huge corporation. It just doesn’t happen “accidentally”.

    What it is more likely is that he was in the conservative side of the church (pope Benedict nominated him). When a “progressive”, (relatively) young and healthy as Francis went on power he realised that he couldn’t become any more senior in the church (before retiring in 10years) so he tried to accumulate as many “donations” as possible from the most gullible people in his neighbourhood (MAGA supporters). He just did what trump does: be an anti establishment (while well inside the establishment)

    I am 100% sure this dude will not die in poverty

  • Picking skin is a symptom of something much deeper (and possibly darker).

    The fact that you want to get rid of it is great but as someone mentioned you need help.

    I would suggest reading “The body keeps the score” it may give a glimpse of the issue… But you need a professional

    Good luck dear internet stranger and remember that you are lovable and loved

  • It’s software, everything can be done. Even if username and passwords are not kept in plaintext as you suggest (and likely nobody would do)

    Problem is that the number of people that self host password repositories is so little that it makes no financial sense. And so for this reason your “massive scale” is an hyperbole because there isn’t a massive scale of people that self host password repositories

    Botnets that stole from local password repositories makes more sense because there are more people that use password managers of sort.

    Humans looking are flexible enough to look at all possible long tail cases like this… but not going to happen except for high profile targets.

    All in all what i am saying is that i don’t see clear evidence that self hosting is more dangerous (in practice) than centralized hosting

    PS: pro tip If you link references, make sure to read the references you link… The second one has nothing to do with password stealing, it was about a password cracker that was a trojan horse for a botnet. Yes, it fits the search “botnet password” but it doesn’t sustain your point