Yea, I have talked at some before, I just did the Q/A for trans veterans.
Yea, I have talked at some before, I just did the Q/A for trans veterans.
Government does have diversity and inclusion meetings, he might be going after that.
On my lan, get black screen on movies.
I meant infringe on the copyright. I don’t think what Disney and some others are doing is right with extending it but I do think the person that created the things should have some legal protection from it being copied for a bit.
Subscribe to weekly delivery lol
Ahhh, thanks I misunderstood. I do agree but also I have a Plex server. I started it when I worked at blockbuster. Technically even ripping your Blu-rays can be illegal so, you have to find your one morals and not rely on laws.
Cheaper, they catch them and hang them upside down, cut the fins and drop them back in the ocean. No disposal, and quicker.
I buy water, I own it. It just passes Thur my body or shower and pipes. That’s like saying you don’t own your tires as they wear away. You can own consumables. I get your underlying point about theft is more then taking away something. You could be depriving someone of money they would have made. Same with copyright theft. Someone buys your product and copies it then sells it. They didn’t steal from you directly but still caused harm. Piracy is a service issue, if things you buy on that service don’t work people will stop using that service. I’m not going to download 12 game launchers to play the games I want, I’ll stick with steam. Same way with tv/movies.
Not really when you are going to be texted about it. I spent 3 hours trying to get jellyfin to work on my phone. Staying with Plex as they have better apps.
It’s so hard to find a neutral observer when on party keeps trying to drag us back to the dark ages. How do you debate people that think a cosmic entity is personally planning out their lives.
What are they doing?
Update thru USB?
idrive was good when I used them.
I didn’t want to run the script so I was trying to get it working through a docker compose file.
You can do it without the medicine but it does help get started fully. I got to drops without it, the time it took for pumping was the issue.
Staying with 1 gig you could go If you want more you could go Depending on how many directly connected devices you are going to use you could use this switch and then use one of the poe ports to power
What is your bandwidth from your ISP?
Yea, same company makes the amplify line. Depending on bandwidth they could get a usg, or udm. Then a poe switch and a poe AP.
Glad you said something, I have been looking at other launchers since nova stoped being updated and Microsoft is being buggy.