Nah, not gonna happen. People think even this is a trick leading into new fixed elections and a try at dispelling the protests without consequences.
Nah, not gonna happen. People think even this is a trick leading into new fixed elections and a try at dispelling the protests without consequences.
In terms of being open source and maintaining that model. Also having some of the parts actually be 3d printed. Other than that, I don’t know, Ive never owned one, never used one. It is too expensive for me for the features it has. Also xl seems to be a unique thing. Too expensive, though.
As for flashing the Prusa, I don’t follow Prusa, so I didn’t know about that one, but voiding a warranty vs locking you out isn’t the same thing really. Though I wouldn’t consider it a good move, I understand it somewhat.
If I was buying a new printer, which I won’t, I’d go for a Sovol SV08, which is somewhat of a Voron clone.
I f-in knew it from the start. I kept telling everyone. But it’s hard to listen when every youtuber and their mom switched to bambu. I don’t like Prusa all that much either, but they are A LOT better than bambu. So I blame Bambu, but also YouTubers and influencers who started peddling them from the start. I’ll stock up on E3d v6 hotends and generic extruders while they are still available.
Yes, but the amount he sacrificed is less than a pawn, if you were to compare it to chess. It’s totally irrelevant that the guy is prime minister no longer, as it was just a phony position anyway.