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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • heyoni@lemm.eetolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldAccurate?
    10 months ago

    is that even legal??

    I have no idea but the whole experience was so surreal…while navigating the myriad of places it might be I noticed that clicking certain links would automatically sign you up for new services and newsletters. I should blog about it.

    ehhh? I have no idea how a bug like that happens, it could be my paranoia watching these huge companies play with their consumers that way to not believe it was a bug, but if you read the whole article that “bug” didn’t happen to everyone’s iPhone and Apple responded saying they were “investigating” the issue but never really commented on it afterwards.

    That’s what makes me think it was a bug. So I did have analytics and significant locations turned on but the latter is encrypted and sent to Apple but cannot be used by them, only by your device. The analytics though I’m sure I turned off.

    Interesting. still annoying tho especially with the whole Flipper Zero shenanigans.

    This one is stupid on Apple’s part. They’re definitely trying too hard to protect their users from technology and it’s driving me mad to be honest. I know for a fact some of my calendar events are disappearing (because they end up in calendar trash) but have no idea why or which device is causing it and I’m really just about to go all in on thunderbird and say fuck it.

  • heyoni@lemm.eetolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldAccurate?
    10 months ago

    The last article I get but the analytics being reenabled was a bug right? I say this as someone who has done every manner of transfer, upgrade and OS update possible on all manner of Apple devices…my settings have never been changed.

    One thing they did do recently maybe is flip the checkboxes for analytics to be automatically enabled when they’ve had it opt in for like a decade. Definitely not happy about that.

    Bluetooth and WiFi never turns back on unless you’re doing it from the control center…in which case it doesn’t really turn off so much as disconnect you from your current AP and put Bluetooth in low energy mode.

    If I’m wrong I want to know. I recently went nuclear on Microsoft’s privacy team for constantly emailing me promotions despite being unsubscribed to everything. I’m on a list now where even if I do sign up for a newsletter, I won’t receive it lol.

    /edit Jesus what the fuck. My settings got reset! Thanks for the heads up…wtf is this shit??

  • How about shit breaking because everyone at some point is a bad programmer? Even Apple Music doesn’t work when I walk into the elevator until halfway through presumably because hitting play sets of a bunch of useless blocking network calls for music I have saved locally.

    What those calls are, I can’t say for sure. Downloading artwork, license checks or telemetry. I’d venture to guess it’s the latter since music will play with placeholder artwork on a slow connection and license checks aren’t required if the subscription was recently validated (works offline for days).

    But who really knows. I never bothered to inspect the traffic. The point is, if a company like Apple is creating such a crummy experience for a function so absurdly basic, you can imagine how easy and prevalent telemetry based user degradation is. Go browse the web with a tracker blocker and tell me it isn’t snappier.

    PS: I’m also a programmer and collect error reports. So many developers will forego using connection pools, much less collect data with async api’s.

    And let’s not even get into how telemetry is a shit tool that is misused 99.99% of the time and only used to surface popular features that aren’t necessarily good features only because we attach causation to every metric (x feature is highly used, therefore it must be good).