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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 11th, 2023


  • At a coarse level, children from families with more money are better off so I disagree

    And that seems like a correction that needs to happen.

    I think of this daycare idea like public school, you ever notice the high income rich areas have a good public school system whereas the low income don’t?

    If you’re on the whole okay with a certain percent of kids failing then on the coarse level it does seem like a good idea.

  • As opposed to now? That’s literally what happens here, no one wants any of these old fucks’ laws. They were born when the first plane was taking off and haven’t kept to date with anything in the modern world. We have no choice because the only people who seem to have any time to do anything in this country are the old people. Therefore we get shit on for simply trying to exist.

  • Hmmm I’d like to stay at home and I’m the man. We both earn about the same, she earns more. I don’t trust daycare workers. You optimize for what you value, if you value economics you’re simply not going to optimize for what’s best for the child. Because at all the cross roads where the biological needs or psychological needs conflict the economical value you’ll not be making those choices.

  • I’ve worked in a hospital. During my time there we had a true blackout. Even the central power generator couldn’t turn on, because the connection was chewed through my rats. No one did a check on it like they’re supposed to every month…heads rolled for it.

    Here to say, you can’t just power ICU beds in isolation. The circuits for emergency power aren’t just going to beds. They’re open sockets on the wall, any one can plug anything in there. You can’t just redo a circuit in the blink of an eye either. If their central generator died and they get a bunch of gas powered ones, they’ll need a lot of time to figure out where they need to splice the wires in order to supply power but not overwhelm the generators.

    It’s safe to say they’re probably going to use their large central generator. It’s probably also safe to say they’re going to power more than the ICU beds. Even if they turned off the heating and cooling, they’re still going to use more than the figure you suggested. Some circuits aren’t optional.