First: Don’t take financial advice from randos on the internet
Just a conversation, man :)
I didn’t even know someone could borrow against securities. Sounds like I need to have a discussion with my finance guy…
… speaking of finance guys, I should find one.
A million dollars is a number we need to have a conversation about in this country, because everyone wants to hate on millionaires.
Sure, let’s talk about that.
People who hate on millionaires are making arguments a million hours too late (for many of the reasons you stated). The rage these days is to hate on billionaires.
Sir, let’s discuss the taste of water.
My sister tells me water is tasteless. I disagree. Water definitely has a taste. I have yet to find water with a taste I like except when I am very dehydrated.
Tap water? Definitely no. Filtered water? Nope. Mineral water? Nah. Flavored water? Eugh.
Tea, though. Tea is amazing. Especially coffee tea. Coffee tea is amazing. You take coffee beans, grind them up, and pass hot water through it. It’s so amazing.