• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Why wouldn’t you want an expert to run the economy is such trying times?

    Because this so-called expert is a danger to the the common Argentine. His way of “fixing” the economy is by growing inequality, privatizing key government duties and destroying unions.

    I personally disagree with him on many points, such as:

    he has called for the elimination or merging of major ministries such as the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Social Development, the Ministry of Women, Genders and Diversity, and the Ministry of Health.

    Milei articulates a critical view of the role of the state in economic matters, calling it “the greatest enemy of wealth”

    Milei wants to privatize public health care providers

    Milei has expressed support for legalizing organ trade

    Also, he is president of the country, not just the economy. I totally disagree with him on points like:

    A supporter of law-and-order politics, Milei endorses the unrestricted ownership of firearms

    Milei opposes both abortion and euthanasia … Milei holds that abortion is morally indefensible, even in cases of rape

    He intends to eliminate the law that makes comprehensive sex education (CSE) in schools mandatory, which he has linked to brainwashing, and said that students are “hostages of a system of state indoctrination”


    regarding your comment:

    So let me hear it. What would you do to so wonderfully fix the economy that an expert is getting all wrong?

    This is a fallacy. It is of course not necessary to know the right answer in order to know that another answer is wrong. I might not know what 483 × 749 is, but I know it’s not 10. Or 100. Or 1000.

  • Yeah I understand the context of Pim Fortuyn of course and I agree it’s not a good joke or anything like that. I just feel like this is made into way too big of a deal for what was probably an off thr cuff comment.

    I do think that “fuck around and find out” should be true. Baudet for example is just a fascist who is friends with the Russians and wants to destroy democracy in the Netherlands. I honestly think that until his party is outlawed it’s a good thing he gets hit with umbrellas and beer bottles. Fuck him so hard, I don’t think what he says should be tolerated.

    1. Just because I have heard of NordVPN doesn’t mean I’ll necessarily use it (in fact I use arch mullvad, btw.)
    2. Let’s see some numbers that ads work. You can’t just calculate how life would be without ads, but I wonder what would happen if ad expenses for all companies would be capped somehow. When cigarette companies were severely limited in terms of advertising they saved a ton of money. Of course people already knew their brands, but still.

    I think ad space sellers wildly overestimate the effectiveness of ads and google has made it far worse with targeted ads. People have gotten used to saying things like “ads work” and “brand recognition” but does anyone know the numbers? Or is this just repeating some phrases you’ve heard?

    I don’t know the numbers myself, but I’m quite skeptical.

  • A coalition without the PVV would be kind of ideal for Wilders. He can keep bitching about how undemocratic the other parties are (obviously it’s not undemocratic but his voters won’t understand that) and won’t have to come up with any ideas. He can remain anti-everything and wait until the fragile coalition will inevitably fall, after which he’ll win 50 seats in parliament.

    As much as I would hate to see Wilders as prime minister, I would perhaps worry more about the next elections if he can remain in the opposition.

    • the government doesn’t take climate change seriously
    • it is basically impossible for a large group of people (including me) to ever buy a home
    • any sort of nature here is dead and over half the country doesn’t seem to care
    • inequality has been growing for decades
    • the country is incredibly polarized
    • after over a decade of neo liberal VVD policy, the majority of people apparently yearn for even more right wing policy
    • Ajax are 12th in the eredivisie

    Or course I’m being a bit dramatic but considering how things were I do think the Netherlands is going to shit a little bit. Of course it’s a better place to live than many other places, but in my opinion it’s definitely getting worse.

  • I understand what you’re saying and I think this is what happened in Denmark, but I disagree.

    We just can’t normalize xenophobia. My partner and I are of different nationalities and races and we’ve both been immigrants. Our future kids will be mixed race and might seem foreign regardless of where they live.

    I don’t want to live in a society in which we normalize hatred for immigrants. I want everyone to feel welcome, I want everyone to feel like they belong.

    Of course with left-leaning parties this small many foreigners already feel unwelcome, but if even left-leaning parties start with this hateful rhetoric… I would lose all hope and probably just leave. I wouldn’t feel safe to live here with my family.

  • The claim that this is bad for the Dutch economy is nonsense. A huge number (probably most) Schiphol passengers are using the airport for a layover. They aren’t staying in the Netherlands, they’re not spending money there (at most some coffee or something but it’s duty free), and it doesn’t create many well paying jobs for people living in the Netherlands.

    Most of the money Schiphol brings in stays in the pockets of people who are already rich and the jobs it creates are mostly poorly paid (like luggage handlers, staff at shops, etc). There’s plenty of open vacancies for jobs like that already, we don’t need an extremely loud and polluting industry for that.

    Schiphol is too big as it is. The Netherlands is a small country and it doesn’t need such a huge airport. Why does Amsterdam need to be some hub for Europeans to fly across the world or to connect the Americas and Asia? Why must the Netherlands be even more polluted to make traveling slightly more convenient mostly for foreigners?