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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Did everyone just collectively agree to forget 2016? The polls were all favoring Clinton by a dramatic margin. CNN famously had a headline where they predicted Clinton had a 99% chance to win off of the polls.

    And what ended up happening? 538 (before bought and neutered by ABC) gave the odds 65-35 or so, in Clinton’s favor. Trump ended up winning that 35%. This year, according to polls, Trump’s odds are better than in 2016. Kamala has the upper hand, but

    A) lots of things can change suddenly before the election (like the Hilary emails thing)

    B) polls are not the ultimate arbiter of who will win an election- actual real votes are

    C) Trump more than likely has some “extracurricular plans” in store, much like Jan 6th, that has a chance of working.

    Tldr: don’t get drunk on positive news. Keep a level head and you’ll see this election is still very close to a coin flip

  • They could still remove it if they wanted to.

    For example push an update so your console can’t read certain games when they lose license. Or simply break backwards compatibility in specific ways.

    I guess the games I really like are all digital. Games like Slay the Spire, Rimworld, Balatro, etc. I know that the data is sitting there in my hard drive. I can copy it, move it, delete it, etc whenever I want.

    I honestly haven’t included a disc reader in my PC builds for over a decade. I guess on Xbox it’s different because Microsoft has more control. But again, if they wanted to take away the games they could do it either way.

    If that’s main reason, I don’t see the point of continuing disc use

  • I understand if you don’t have the CD they can remove your access to it arbritarily like when they lose the license but

    Nobody ever complains about Steam and they have a similar policy of no physical media going back decades. I have hundreds of gamed accumulated on Steam and no game of mine has ever been removed.

    I bought the cheaper Xbox last year to play Overcooked with my girlfriend and it has no physical media. I just download and play games no problem. I actually find it more convenient not to have any physical games.

    So I guess the question is- what is the reason for the strong rejection of the digital version? It is the natural evolution of these things.

  • People believe just because someone interacts with some sort of digital device, it makes you an expert on computers. The thing is, it depends on the type of operating system you are interacting with.

    For example when I was young, my father would buy those big old gray computers from yard sales. I would mix and match the pieces inside to build my own PC. I broke a lot of shit but learned a lot.

    The operating system was one where you more or less had total control over the computer. By 12~13 I was using CD-Roms to load different Linux distros and play around with all sorts of different things.

    This experience basically taught me how operating systems work at a fundamental level. How it needs a kernel, how it loads and maintains services, packages, etc. How file systems work and learning how terminals are useful. Scripting languages, and eventually coding applications.

    Compare and contrast that to the young kids of today. What do they get? A phone and a tablet. You can’t open it up. You can’t tinker with it. The OS is closed off and is deliberately made as difficult as possible to modify. No mouse, no keyboard. Streamlined UIs with guard rails.

    You get what you get and you don’t get upset. That doesn’t leave nearly as much room for exploration and curiosity. It’s a symptom of our computers becoming more and more railroaded. More and more control by large companies.

    It’s really sad, I think. Fairly soon I believe every device will be a “thin device” or essentially a chrome book. Very little local processing power and instead it’ll essentially stream from a server.

  • Personally I prefer subscription model over ad-based data tracking model. When you get something for free, you are the product being sold. For example Facebook or Reddit. Your content (comments, media) is used to populate the site and your data is sold to advertisers.

    When you pay a subscription, you are the customer. There’s more incentive to create a proper service with the actual users in mind when it’s a subscription model.

    When advertisers are the primary customer, they will always be a priority in determining policy. So for example YouTube- longer ads and more of them.

    Of course, I think Google is guilty of double dipping. We pay for premium but I’m certain they still sell our data to advertisers. For example you watch a lot of carpentry videos, they will sell a list with your name that says “likely tool buyer” or something along those lines.

    But generally speaking, I never mind paying a subscription for a service. It’s more honest, more clear what’s going on.

  • I’ve seen reddit accounts who regularly posted comments for months all at +1 vote and never received any response or reply at all because nobody had ever seen their comments. They got hit with some automod shadowban they were yelling into the void, likely wondering why nobody ever felt they deserved to be heard.

    I find this unsettling and unethical. I think people have a right to be heard and deceiving people like this feels wrong.

    There are other methods to deal with spam that aren’t potentially harmful.

    There’s also an entirely different discussion about shadowbans being a way to silence specific forms of speech. Today it may be crazies or hateful speech, but it can easily be any subversive speech should the administration change.

    I agree with other commenter, it probably shouldn’t be allowed.

  • And Democrats were eviscerated in the following midterms because it was seen as too far left.

    They were eviscerated because it was a lukewarm attempt at healthcare reform.

    Obama didn’t even dare say the words “universal healthcare” once - something that majority of Americans supported at the time. The words “public option” was only said during his election campaign. As soon as he won the election, he downplayed it and pretended like it wasn’t important. He could have easily put pressure on these senators by giving public speeches, running a campaign to try. But he didn’t. And nobody will. Because that’s not actually something any Democrats as a whole want to pass. It’s not just the Manchins. Why aren’t the Dems as loud as the Republicans? Why don’t they say crazy things? The Republicans get things done. Look at the Supreme Court.

    The fact is, the Democrats are a conservative party. They don’t want change, they don’t want reform.

    The 3rd party as we know it today is a joke, I agree. But again, I repeat, there was a real movement in the early 20th century to have a socialist/communist presidential candidate. All it takes today is a real grass-roots movement that spreads online and we could elect someone who actually wants to change things for the better. Look at Trump essentially pulled off a coup against the GOP. Real change for the better is possible, but it will never happen going through the DNC.

  • Biden is Not going to do that

    the modern GOP is a death cult. the modern democrats are a corporate theocracy

    choose between psuedo-religious fascism or fascism that lets you wear a little rainbow pin on your shirt

    we’re headed towards fascism either way. look at europe, already censoring protests. look at our American websites like reddit and twitter, banning and silencing pro-palestinian accounts. they’re using the techniques they learned during COVID to “fight misinformation”. You cannot stray far from The Narrative

    the scope of the information you will receive will continue to get smaller and smaller and more and more people are getting filtered into echo chambers

    we need to wake up before it’s too late, the noose is tightening. a modern fascist state with the surveillance technology that we have (we can even read minds now) is not going to be pretty. add in an economic crisis, another world war… it’s the 1930s all over again baby.

    i wish orwell was around to see it

  • i didn’t say i’m not going to vote. i’m leaning towards 3rd party.

    if enough people voted 3rd party, we could break free from this quasi one-party state we have

    in the early 1900s we actually had a socialist/communist presidential candidate get over a million votes

    it’s possible if people stopped towing the democratic party line. they are not our friends. they will do the bare minimum necessary and oftentimes they won’t even do that, just promise to do it. i’ve been waiting for immigration reform my entire life. NADA is the total value of what has come out from Democrats beside’s Obama’s DACA which was a stopgap measure. we’ve had democratic majorities multiple times since then. how many times could they have put abortion into law? how many times could they have gotten in universal healthcare?

    it’s a joke. they don’t actually want to do anything. we have 1 party and 2 factions. business faction A and business faction B.

    and now Biden goes out and gives Netanyahu a big hug after Israel announced to the world they were about to slaughter tens of thousands of civilians?

    What world do you live in where this is OK? What kind of men does our country breed? It’s ridiculous

  • what, are you gay or trans or something? newsflash

    you have it 1000x better than the tens of thousands of palestinians getting mutilated and killed. i don’t see tens of thousands of gays being mutilated.

    you even have it 100x better than the millions of illegals and asylum seekers in this country, of which both candidates flashes their wrinkly middle fingers to

    you lose credibility when you exaggerate like this. yes, gays and trans should be treated better. yes, the republicans are more hostile than the dems. but it’s not genocide, not even close. if you care so much about genocide you in theory should not be voting for someone who is actually endorsing genocide

    first they came for the jews, and i did speak cause i was not a jew… etc