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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Yeah, I am comparing linear distance to surface area, but if we call that 66 mile distance a diameter, were talking about roughly 3500 sq miles…which is a rounding error compared to the vastness of the south china sea.

    The south china sea is longer than it is wide, but even at its narrowest width between Phillipines and Vietnam, it’s over 550 miles across. That’s just incomparable to the distance between Florida and Cuba. Anything between Florida and Cuba is figuratively parked right in USA’s backyard.

    I legit tried to find the exact location of this latest aerial encounter between China fighter pilot and allied forces aircraft (because you’re right, that’s relevant) but couldn’t find it…the info must either be classified or intentionally censored.

  • Like any kind of contest, finding rules violations is hard and not foolproof. It’s like sports that forbid using steroids - competitors do regularly take those substances while training, then quit taking them for competition and go uncaught. Competitors who are discovered later to have been violating rules are stripped of titles.

    That said, I don’t think it’s a very controversial concept that a beauty pageant shouldn’t be a contest about who could afford the best surgeons. Well - as I said earlier I think beauty pageants are absurd to begin with, but if they have to exist I don’t think it should be a contest between surgeons.

  • I think it would have been fair to have a rule saying “no surgical modifications”… because doing things like facelift, nose-job, breast/buttox implants, cheek lifts, wrinkle removal, etc, are obviously unfair advantages (in a beauty contest) for those who have the money pay for it; and having a generic blanket rule like that would have accomplished the same thing they were trying to accomplish without being so blatantly transphobic… so a rule like what they have only proves that they are both despicable AND dumb. The entire notion of beauty pageants is outdated and stupid if you ask me.