They seem to think setting him free would be a bad thing.
They seem to think setting him free would be a bad thing.
In theaters this summer: Cocaine Rats
I’d post this to Twitter but I’m too busy eating my freedom fries.
Instead, how about California, Oregon and Washington joining Canada?
Praise the cameraman.
Be kind, rewind.
Probably a lot. There’s was (is?) a long productive relationship between Red Cross disaster efforts and amateur radio.
Ahh, books… I remember when that was the only way to learn tech.
“Archived Page Not Found”
when I haven’t done my habits for awhile it seems like everything goes to chaos
Yeah, happens to me too. Sometimes just doing one little thing quickly builds momentum back up again.
But many days I dread all the annoying chores I do making everyday feel the same.
Again, yeah, happens to me too. What helps me is to not do chores but to see how efficiently I can do chores. It’s more interesting to come up with processes/procedures/tools that get the job done faster. In the end the chore is done AND the next time it will go even faster because I’m more efficient. HTH
Get in the habit of developing habits.
In true dull man fashion, I have a process: First let them drain upside down in the dish drainer for a few minutes. Then dry them with a thin towel. After that stand them (loosely) together with the opening facing up. (The orientation is important.) The last of their moisture will dry in a few hours (duration depending on how dry the air is). HTH.
‘He’s not going to be president’
Too late, Trump has been purchased.
Yeah, I got tired of doing this so installed gutter guards. They make it harder to clean the gutters, but now that task only needs to be done every five or ten years.
So it’s really dirt? Not sand or salt? Dirt seems to be a much better option for the plants/lawns/etc near the sidewalks when spring comes.
Labeling is great! But I save my label maker for fancy pants uses. Blue tape and Sharpies FTW.
I started doing this then realized how much time and money I was wasting buying things that I already had (but couldn’t find). 'Am up to about 10 cases of thing now and still have more to organize. New cases are cheap compared to what they hold.
It is a joy to be able to lay my hands on just the right fitting when I need one now.
No. It’s an answer to the question with a link to recordings - largely copied from their site because I’m lazy. (BTW: KRVM is a non-profit community funded station. They have a lot of other good programs too.)
I also have a vacation tent down by the (polluted) river.